ssb22 / CedPane

Chinese-English Dictionary Public-domain Additions for Names Etc (CedPane)
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Original tones #4

Closed chinese-words-separator closed 2 years ago

chinese-words-separator commented 2 years ago


不列顛哥倫比亞 不列颠哥伦比亚 [Bu2 lie4 dian1_Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4] /British Columbia/Columbia, British/


不列顛哥倫比亞 不列颠哥伦比亚 [Bu4 lie4 dian1 Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4] /British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada/

While the 不's original tone is kept in CEDICT, CedPane does not. CedPane applies the tone sandhi for 不. CedPane's 不 is changed to bu4, due to 4-4 to 2-4 tone sandhi of 不列

I think it's better to keep the original tones, as per Chinese Pronunciation Wiki:

Why Tone Changes Are Not Written

Normally the tone changes above are not written in the pinyin; you are supposed to just know the rule and apply it if you say the word(s) aloud. The reason for this is that in many cases if the tone change is written, you will be confused as to what the “normal” tone of a character is actually supposed to be.

For example, you might wonder, “is this a third tone written as a second tone because it’s followed by a third tone, or is this character always a second tone?” Always writing the original tones solves this problem. But it also means that you really need to know your tone change rules. Learn them well!

CEDICT only changes the tone if the spoken syllable is a neutral tone (e.g., 妈妈, CEDICT made it ma1 ma5 not ma1 ma1), otherwise it indicates the original tones

ssb22 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, yes that is normally the rule used by CedPane, but I missed it in 14 entries. Will fix.