ssbarnea / netapp

netapp select on openstack
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silent failure to deploy single node #3

Open ssbarnea opened 6 years ago

ssbarnea commented 6 years ago

I seems that "host capacity update in progress" does never finish and you don't get any update.

I am sure that the KVM host is accessible and waiting to respond to requests.

gouthampacha commented 6 years ago

If you use the CLI on the deploy host, you'll see some update logs..

(ONTAPdeploy) host show-all
| Host          | Status     | Type | Cluster Created |
| myselect1 | configuration_in_progress | KVM  | True      |

You can then try event show-all to see if there are any logs. Usually the first deployment takes upto 20 mins

ssbarnea commented 6 years ago

@gouthampacha One issue that I found using CLI was HostAuthenticationFailed: Host authentication failed for host "leno". Reason: Failed to remove SSH public key from authorized_keys on host leno. which I resolved by manually removing the netapp key from the authorized_keys.

Still, once this sorted no other progress was possible because nothing happened when I retried.

(ONTAPdeploy) event show-all --limit 5 --max-width 180
| category | instance | type                 | level | detail                                                                                                                                           | time                       |
| host     | leno     | HostAddSuccessful    | Info  | Host "leno" added successfully.                                                                                                                  | 2018.03.21 22:59:17.272615 |
| host     | leno     | HostAddAccepted      | Info  | Add request for host "leno" accepted.                                                                                                            | 2018.03.21 22:59:15.976318 |
| host     | leno     | HostAddFailed        | Error | HostAuthenticationFailed: Host authentication failed for host "leno". Reason: Failed to remove SSH public key from authorized_keys on host leno. | 2018.03.21 22:55:06.413299 |
| host     | leno     | HostAddAccepted      | Info  | Add request for host "leno" accepted.                                                                                                            | 2018.03.21 22:55:05.985944 |
| host     | netapp1  | HostDeleteSuccessful | Info  | Host "netapp1" deleted successfully.                                                                                                             | 2018.03.21 22:52:28.085095 |
(ONTAPdeploy) host show-all
| Host | Status        | Type | Cluster Created |
| leno | authenticated | KVM  | False           |
ontap select deploy 2018-03-21 23-16-47