ssbc / patchbay

An alternative Secure Scuttlebutt client interface that is fully compatible with Patchwork
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new icons #348

Closed mixmix closed 5 years ago

mixmix commented 5 years ago

hermes-patchbay svg_256x256

The majesty, the ease of differentiation (finally) !

I whipped up the ico / icns files based on tools I could ge tto work online ( was broken :cry:). So need to test this can build working installers on windows / mac before merging this

marylychee commented 5 years ago

Looks great @mixmix !! I mainly made this using some of the colours already in patchbay currently.

This version is a bit more vapourwave as @pospi puts it, and is more of the actual colours

marylychee commented 5 years ago

How do I test this? I've got the branch running but it only shows the electron icon.


can I only test if it's already built?

mixmix commented 5 years ago

yeah build it yourself, try npm run dist !

It will likely error for two reasons:

the first one might be fatal.

Hey I hecking love that vapourwave version's kinda surprising seeing the colours I've picked semi independantly for different parts of the app pulled out and that they all kinda work together. Nice.

Any chance you could attach that svg here ? If you're feeling especially generous you could try making a .ico and .icns file (windows and mac icons) on (note the icns export needs to be high res = 256x256 I think)

marylychee commented 5 years ago

Trying to attach it here. Having some troubles downloading it but here's the share link @mixmix

marylychee commented 5 years ago

github doesn't let me paste SVGs as it doesn't support that file, but hopefully that link gives us what we need.

but yeah TOTALLY! I'm digging the vapourware colours too!! so fun!

mixmix commented 5 years ago

Arg, yeah iconverticons is giving me grief as well. I was hoping it was just my machine. If you have the patchbay repo can you just commit the svg into this branch (in the /build folder) and push it up to this branch. That or if you're feeling patient search the web for ico and icns tools and push up the results to the repo.

marylychee commented 5 years ago

this is most of the work to build icn and icns, except that Mac needs larger icon files.

Larger icon files are unnecessary and don't very solar punk vapour wave.

marylychee commented 5 years ago

to clarify: I searched the web for tools, and then made a builder that creates ico and icns files

works by running npm run icon which will do node build/build-icon.js