Closed wanderer closed 8 years ago
Hmm. cc @dominictarr
Does it stay frozen?
:/ ok, temporary fix: open ~/.ssb/rc
and input:
"party": true
or, possibly:
"blobs": { "party": true }
I'm not sure, the code seems like it might be incorrectly reading config. That'll disable quotas.
didn't work for me. I ended up just edited the source. I noticed that filter
is getting called at a high rate countinous when patchwork freezes.
so its working fine now. I reverted all my changes the problem did not come back. I'm not sure what fixed it.
I'm going to close this for now because I can't reproduce the error.
Im going to reopen, because this is still an issue. The error stopped because the quota limit was no longer getting triggered (due to the short period you disabled it). The bug is still there!
okay it looks like there needs to be test coverage for overquotaness.
I'm getting a series of
Over Quota: @vt8uK0++cpFioCCBeB3p3jdx4RIdQYJOL/imN1Hv0Wk=.ed25519 { limit: 20971520, usage: 23042021, hops: 2, percent: '109.9%' }
which precedes an eventual
info @iL6 SBOT disconnect
Sometimes I'll get
info @iL6 SBOT disconnect
info @iL6 REPL success
"@iL6NzQoOLFP18pCpprkbY80DMtiG4JFFtVSVUaoGsOQ=.ed25519": 16,
but this morning, every try has ended up in a disconnect with a frozen patchwork window.
Other possible clues: when first loading:
(electron) ipc module is deprecated. Use require("electron").ipcMain instead.
Cannot find module 'chloridedown/build/Release/sodium'
(electron) loadUrl is deprecated. Use loadURL instead.
Result: can't stay connected or do anything, through about 5 tries. I'm running on Ubuntu 12.04, if that makes any diff.
@bhaugen a few suggestions. Try running the application with the --party switch, which ought to stop the quota stuff entirely. If you still see over-quota messages, let me know.
Also, try running npm install again for patchwork, since it's not finding chloridedown's module
Tried the --party switch (as in patchwork --party?) Still got over quota messages.
I'll try running npm install again in the morning, got guests and pizza in the oven... Do it like npm install ssb-patchwork -g again?
Hmm, yeah try installing (like that) again. What version are you running?
You ran the party switch correctly. That quota-limiting is just broken. I'm going to push a patch disabling it, tonight, so when you run install again you should have it disabled.
Oh real quick, try
and see if that disables it
Tried. DId not disable, but I got up and running with patchwork and have not frozen yet. Still get a lot of disconnect/start combos.
Some variations on
info @iL6 SBOT connection failed
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:856:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:879:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1063:14)
info @iL6 SBOT connection failed
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
at errnoException (dns.js:26:10)
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:77:26)
P.S. I do seem to be operational though. Haven't died for awhile. Will do the reinstall in the am. Gotta go, but thanks a lot @pfraze
Oh, and while I did get some over quota message the first time I tried the second time I did it, I did not get any of them. Although I did get more connected failed and disconnect/start combos.
Re-installed doing
npm install ssb-patchwork -g
This is still happening:
(electron) ipc module is deprecated. Use require("electron").ipcMain instead.
Cannot find module 'chloridedown/build/Release/sodium'
(electron) loadUrl is deprecated. Use loadURL instead.
And still getting a lot of connection fails and disconnect/start combos in the log.
But I seem to stay up again.
The disconnect/connect messages are correct behavior. The gossip protocol connects to different known machines in the mesh with a weighted random selection. As long as you're not getting "over quota" messages, and patchwork isnt freezing, you should be good. (I think that means the
switch worked.)
As for the reinstall, the (electron)
messages are ok, those are just deprecation notices that wont go into effect until the major release of electron. The troubling one is Cannot find module
. What platform are you using?
Ubuntu 12.04. Think that is part of the problem?
It might be. I'll mention it to @dominictarr, we're still sorting out the cryptobuilds on each platform. (I think your build will fallback to a js implementation, which works but is slower.)
What OS's/versions work best?
(But if it's only a little slower, I can live with that for now.)
I know OSX yosemite works, because I use that. I thought linux was good to go, so your error surprises me. We'll get it sorted soon!
You might be good the newer version of Ubuntu. I'm a version behind the latest LTS.
This may have been solved by
I haven't had this problem since the last -1 time I re-installed. So I think you can close the issue.
Gonna hang onto it just in case, but thats good to know
Oh, if you are using ubuntu you might need to update gcc. node bindings need some of the latest c++ features.
@bhaugen Can you try building
cd chloridedown
npm install
and let me know (post an issue on chloridedown) what happens.
When I start patchwork I get.
Which is followed by electron using 100% cpu and pathwork freezing.