ssbc / ssb-fixtures

Generate a simulated .ssb folder
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Seed not working #4

Open arj03 opened 3 years ago

arj03 commented 3 years ago

Using master branch for this.

I'm using:

node node_modules/ssb-fixtures/lib/bin.js --messages 100000 --seed ngipointer

And from that I use sbot createHistoryStream (from ssb-db, not ssb-db2 ;-)) to get the 100th message key. Then I run the same command again and get a different message key. Does the seed value need to be a specific size or am I doing something wrong in that command?

staltz commented 3 years ago

@arj03 Do you get different msg contents or is just the key different?

It might be your installation hasn't applied the mock-monotonic-timestamp hack

arj03 commented 3 years ago

First run:

    key: '%osvC9akT9pUb/3AUVpNWH8WwkOtKaM6UPUrQKwU1FGY=.sha256',
    value: {
      previous: null,
      sequence: 1,
      author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
      timestamp: 1607674928979,
      hash: 'sha256',
      content: [Object],
      signature: 'Ux7TX4GOM9qvimY1bIEVrtpAtC7rjpgKNB+HmAnc9qoCuhFUwM+UEyvN7/9RvbZQzr+3tQUOm2xNtY6+aZ9cCg==.sig.ed25519'
    timestamp: 1607674928981
    key: '%uIVCo20hPQXHW336Yks5hEYX161d8i2XCk6xBB/EnH8=.sha256',
    value: {
      previous: '%osvC9akT9pUb/3AUVpNWH8WwkOtKaM6UPUrQKwU1FGY=.sha256',
      sequence: 2,
      author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
      timestamp: 1607674929032,
      hash: 'sha256',
      content: [Object],
      signature: 'NdH6ePda25f52/tpGp15LfsDch2KARFP29Lk3cNGMeUhRqi2w/YhRb/kgOofOluvUK5x2kjJgwpoVGY1pO/HBg==.sig.ed25519'
    timestamp: 1607674929032.001
    previous: null,
    sequence: 1,
    author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
    timestamp: 1607674928979,
    hash: 'sha256',
    content: {
      type: 'post',
      text: 'OLDESTMSG Eu qui deserunt labore tempor dolore et amet do ea anim laboris veniam aliqua. Ex irure id cupidatat. Deserunt sit reprehenderit occaecat proident sunt culpa duis. Ipsum irure ut id incididunt consequat pariatur consequat occaecat. Cupidatat irure veniam non occaecat veniam ipsum. Velit Lorem ad consequat proident nostrud dolor. Culpa ex deserunt in nulla est irure deserunt aliquip minim consequat pariatur ipsum. Labore ea eu incididunt officia dolore dolor consequat sit sint ea voluptate pariatur tempor duis.\n' +
        'Consequat id ut enim velit dolor. Excepteur proident proident cupidatat eu aliquip tempor sit ipsum aliquip sit nisi qui aute commodo. Et elit id mollit nisi eu officia Lorem Lorem. Amet enim irure consectetur nisi nostrud veniam. Reprehenderit qui fugiat anim consectetur minim excepteur excepteur officia veniam occaecat in. Magna laboris ex do.',
      mentions: [Array]
    signature: 'Ux7TX4GOM9qvimY1bIEVrtpAtC7rjpgKNB+HmAnc9qoCuhFUwM+UEyvN7/9RvbZQzr+3tQUOm2xNtY6+aZ9cCg==.sig.ed25519'
    previous: '%osvC9akT9pUb/3AUVpNWH8WwkOtKaM6UPUrQKwU1FGY=.sha256',
    sequence: 2,
    author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
    timestamp: 1607674929032,
    hash: 'sha256',
    content: { type: 'vote', vote: [Object] },
    signature: 'NdH6ePda25f52/tpGp15LfsDch2KARFP29Lk3cNGMeUhRqi2w/YhRb/kgOofOluvUK5x2kjJgwpoVGY1pO/HBg==.sig.ed25519'

Second run:

    key: '%BCwY8izuxjfyuXSJgrmlLv0Tv5a+3KzvqpJkLJLQ5Uw=.sha256',
    value: {
      previous: null,
      sequence: 1,
      author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
      timestamp: 1607675000242,
      hash: 'sha256',
      content: [Object],
      signature: 'KlVEJkv3rmMzvHyrSN75sTtAYGcGvawmGG1BBV7l4o0GKZIfHpB5woso1wxBmJAEvEmp2t9Z76GXW0DSD52YBw==.sig.ed25519'
    timestamp: 1607675000243
    key: '%2uKOm6SsBxSGHS1wozv9szSIS5JJQkoZGnilJ5uX1nA=.sha256',
    value: {
      previous: '%BCwY8izuxjfyuXSJgrmlLv0Tv5a+3KzvqpJkLJLQ5Uw=.sha256',
      sequence: 2,
      author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
      timestamp: 1607675000293.001,
      hash: 'sha256',
      content: [Object],
      signature: 'e+WvftylEdADfxubFj6b+sA82fjajqL+IfnlJzxfZpCy7cF6VgryoyzSbnHwdporzrxWjosTvEJa60obbll+AA==.sig.ed25519'
    timestamp: 1607675000294
    previous: null,
    sequence: 1,
    author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
    timestamp: 1607675000242,
    hash: 'sha256',
    content: {
      type: 'post',
      text: 'OLDESTMSG Eu qui deserunt labore tempor dolore et amet do ea anim laboris veniam aliqua. Ex irure id cupidatat. Deserunt sit reprehenderit occaecat proident sunt culpa duis. Ipsum irure ut id incididunt consequat pariatur consequat occaecat. Cupidatat irure veniam non occaecat veniam ipsum. Velit Lorem ad consequat proident nostrud dolor. Culpa ex deserunt in nulla est irure deserunt aliquip minim consequat pariatur ipsum. Labore ea eu incididunt officia dolore dolor consequat sit sint ea voluptate pariatur tempor duis.\n' +
        'Consequat id ut enim velit dolor. Excepteur proident proident cupidatat eu aliquip tempor sit ipsum aliquip sit nisi qui aute commodo. Et elit id mollit nisi eu officia Lorem Lorem. Amet enim irure consectetur nisi nostrud veniam. Reprehenderit qui fugiat anim consectetur minim excepteur excepteur officia veniam occaecat in. Magna laboris ex do.',
      mentions: [Array]
    signature: 'KlVEJkv3rmMzvHyrSN75sTtAYGcGvawmGG1BBV7l4o0GKZIfHpB5woso1wxBmJAEvEmp2t9Z76GXW0DSD52YBw==.sig.ed25519'
    previous: '%BCwY8izuxjfyuXSJgrmlLv0Tv5a+3KzvqpJkLJLQ5Uw=.sha256',
    sequence: 2,
    author: '@Ut2WaeG6i955UnvCiWuQ8w0eAz0rLjAc+XAS7UufNhc=.ed25519',
    timestamp: 1607675000293.001,
    hash: 'sha256',
    content: { type: 'vote', vote: [Object] },
    signature: 'e+WvftylEdADfxubFj6b+sA82fjajqL+IfnlJzxfZpCy7cF6VgryoyzSbnHwdporzrxWjosTvEJa60obbll+AA==.sig.ed25519'
arj03 commented 3 years ago

Yeah looks like timestamp?

arj03 commented 3 years ago

Just ran npm i ssb-fixtures and then the command in the first post.

staltz commented 3 years ago

Yeah what I think is going on is that the module substitution hack is bugged. That should be fixed (somehow...), but in the meantime if you wanna get it working, use pnpm (same commands just p in front), and it has proper module substitution.