ssbc / ssb-server

The gossip and replication server for Secure Scuttlebutt - a distributed social network
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ssbc crashes at startup on windows #135

Closed luckcolors closed 9 years ago

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

i builded scuttlebot on windows without problems but when i start the server for the first time it gives me this log and it closes: Secure scuttlebutt has undergone a major API change. Rebuilding indexes to ensure consistency. Please wait. Success! info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "gossip@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "blobs@0.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "invite@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "friends@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "local@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "phoenix@1.0.0" Success! info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "logging" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "gossip@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "gossip@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "blobs@0.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "blobs@0.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "invite@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "invite@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "friends@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "friends@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "local@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "local@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "phoenix@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "phoenix@1.0.0" events.js:85 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: bind EADDRINUSE at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11) at dgram.js:224:28 at dns.js:85:18 at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

then when i open it again: C:\EnvironmentPath>sbot info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "gossip@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "blobs@0.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "invite@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "friends@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "local@1.0.0" info wl9D SBOT use-plugin "phoenix@1.0.0"

it just hangs here. Also when i connect on port 2000 it says that i don't have permission to acces.

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

That's pretty odd. The first time, it looks like a scuttlebot instance is created multiple times. That might be a bug in the index rebuilding code.

The second time seems unrelated. Are you running scuttlebot on your local device? The Web UI is only allowed to load if requested from localhost.

pfrazee commented 9 years ago whoops! missed an else statement in there

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

ok i'm going to build ssbc again

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

I haven't had a chance to fix that yet. I'll let you know when a fix is pushed

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

ok thanks i'll wait :)

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

ok, fix published as version 3.0.1

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

ok it works but it won't let me acces the page at port 2000 here's the log:

Rebuilding indexes to ensure consistency. Please wait... Indexes rebuilt. info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "" info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "gossip@1.0.0" info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "blobs@0.0.0" info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "invite@1.0.0" info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "friends@1.0.0" info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "local@1.0.0" info 4lIS SBOT use-plugin "phoenix@1.0.0" Remote access attempted by ::1 Remote access attempted by ::ffff: Remote access attempted by ::ffff: Remote access attempted by ::ffff:

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

are you running scuttlebot on your device, or is it on another device in your LAN, or in a virtual machine? if it really is local, it could be that our is this a local request check is working incorrectly

dominictarr commented 9 years ago

that it's showing a ipv6 address may have something to do with it.

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

so: using localhost:2000 doesn't work using doesn't work using works but the page remains blank, the page title is secure scuttlebot and here's the error log:

info 4lIS SBOT 1 incoming-connection warn 4lIS SBOT 1 unauthed createPacketStream/<.request@ onRequest@ [32]</module.exports/p.write@ [42]</module.exports/<.sink/<@ next/<@ next/<@ next/<@ [68]</</</<@ pull@ next@ next/<@ pull/<@ [74]</module.exports</<@

No9 commented 9 years ago

@luckcolors can you confirm that you are running scuttlebot in an admin console and that your antivirus is not getting in the way?

I am guessing but maybe something is preventing the creation of the required ports.

Also the fact that localhost isn't getting mapped to is very suspicious indeed. Can you look at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and confirm there is no remapping of localhost occurring there


luckcolors commented 9 years ago

yes i am admin there's not also my win install it's very new. tried disable windows firewall same problem. tried with antivirus disabled same problem.

also the log it's saying: info SBOT incoming-connection warn SBOT unauthed ^^^^^^^^ it's not that it's still not doing the setup the first time when i load the program with a fresh db? i mean it seems that it's not logging me in

also localhost it's getting mapped because other applications are working on port 2000

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

it looks like you are successfully loading the page when you use, but then something else is going wrong. What does the web page's console say after the blank page loads?

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

The warn SBOT unauthed and ensuing stack dump is not actually an error, though I know it looks like it. It's just some cruft we haven't cleaned out yet. That said, what version of node and windows are you running? That stack dump looks a bit different from mine.

As for the ip address situation...

Also the fact that localhost isn't getting mapped to is very suspicious indeed.

Yeah, I agree, though one of those access attempts was ::1, which is the correct ipv6 loopback address (so I suppose we gotta start testing that). ::ffff: is weird though.

I'm curious what the console says when loads in the browser. Maybe that will shed some light on why localhost:2000 fails.

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

here's the console log hope it helps you.connecting from info k5cn SBOT 1 incoming-connection warn k5cn SBOT 1 unauthed createPacketStream/<.request@ onRequest@ [32]</module.exports/p.write@ [42]</module.exports/<.sink/<@ next/<@ next/<@ next/<@ [68]</</</<@ pull@ next@ next/<@ pull/<@ [74]</module.exports</<@

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

Sorry, that's the terminal console. I was hoping for the browser window's console. Can you grab that for me? It's in the developer tools.

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

La connessione con ws://localhost:2000/ è stata interrotta durante il caricamento della pagina. home.js:13182:0 "Connection Error" Error: Close Analisi dello stack: [76]</exports.connect/chan.connect/chan.wsStream.socket.onclose@ home.js:15929:2 GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 17ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 15ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 4ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 15ms] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 66ms] Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-webkit-inner-spin-button”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:145:22 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-webkit-search-cancel-button”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:155:22 Proprietà sconosciuta “-moz-osx-font-smoothing”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:270:25 Previsto un colore, invece è stato rilevato “auto”. Previsto un colore, invece è stato rilevato “-webkit-focus-ring-color”. Prevista fine del valore, trovato “-webkit-focus-ring-color”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “outline”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:1088:15 Prevista fine del valore, trovato “\9 ”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “margin-top”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2482:18 Previsto un colore, invece è stato rilevato “auto”. Previsto un colore, invece è stato rilevato “-webkit-focus-ring-color”. Prevista fine del valore, trovato “-webkit-focus-ring-color”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “outline”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2500:15 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-ms-input-placeholder”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:2539:14 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-webkit-input-placeholder”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:2543:15 Prevista fine del valore, trovato “�”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “line-height”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2565:26 Prevista fine del valore, trovato “�”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “line-height”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2572:19 Prevista fine del valore, trovato “�”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “line-height”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2579:20 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-ms-fullscreen”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:2581:2 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-ms-fullscreen”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:2591:2 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-ms-fullscreen”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:2601:2 Prevista fine del valore, trovato “\9 ”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “margin-top”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2635:18 Proprietà sconosciuta “touch-action”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2945:14 Proprietà sconosciuta “user-select”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2957:13 Previsto un colore, invece è stato rilevato “auto”. Previsto un colore, invece è stato rilevato “-webkit-focus-ring-color”. Prevista fine del valore, trovato “-webkit-focus-ring-color”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “outline”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2966:15 Previsto “none”, URL o una funziona filtro, invece è stato rilevato “alpha(”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “filter”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:2988:10 Previsto “none”, URL o una funziona filtro, invece è stato rilevato “progid”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “filter”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:3408:10 Previsto “none”, URL o una funziona filtro, invece è stato rilevato “alpha(”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “filter”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:4879:10 Previsto “none”, URL o una funziona filtro, invece è stato rilevato “alpha(”. Errore durante l’interpretazione di “filter”. Dichiarazione tralasciata. home.css:4887:10 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-ms-input-placeholder”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:5600:8 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-webkit-input-placeholder”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:5604:9 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-ms-input-placeholder”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:5637:40 Pseudo-classe o pseudo-elemento sconosciuto “-webkit-input-placeholder”. Insieme di regole ignorato a causa del selettore errato. home.css:5641:41 Content Security Policy: Il caricamento di una risorsa su self è stato bloccato dalle impostazioni della pagina (“default-src data:”). GET http://localhost:2000/ [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 3ms] : home.js:13270:0 Content Security Policy: Il caricamento di una risorsa su http://localhost:2000/access.json è stato bloccato dalle impostazioni della pagina (“connect-src ws://localhost:2000”). GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 4ms]

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

if you need i can translate italian to english also it seems that the page it's losing connection to the app

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

No need, GMail helped me out there. Here's the offending line:

Content Security Policy: The loading of a resource on http://localhost:2000/access.json was blocked by the settings of the page ("connect-src ws: // localhost: 2000 " ). 

So that's keeping you from fetching an access token you need. Give me a few minutes to try to solve that, uno momento por favor

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

@luckcolors ok, if you could please run npm install -g scuttlebot again and make sure you have phoenix version 4.0.2, then try again please

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

works :) thanks for your help.

pfrazee commented 9 years ago

great! for a guy named @luckcolors, you really got unlucky stumbling onto our bugs :) Thanks for being patient with me.

I'm still not sure why localhost doesn't work, but that's on my todolist to solve now. I'm hoping it's just an ipv6 issue.

luckcolors commented 9 years ago

no problem. :)