ssbc / ssb-server

The gossip and replication server for Secure Scuttlebutt - a distributed social network
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cb is not a function #264

Closed ahdinosaur closed 8 years ago

ahdinosaur commented 9 years ago

trying to setup a pub server on dokku, got this error after running sbot invite.create 1:

           else cb(null, addr + '~' + seed.toString('base64'))

 TypeError: cb is not a function
     at /app/node_modules/scuttlebot/plugins/invite.js:73:16
     at /app/node_modules/secure-scuttlebutt/node_modules/level-sublevel/shell.js:53:51
     at /app/node_modules/secure-scuttlebutt/node_modules/level-sublevel/nut.js:108:13
pfrazee commented 8 years ago

Hm, I'm having trouble reproducing this. @ahdinosaur do you still have it?

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

eh, i'll re-open if when i try again it's still there.