ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
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Minimum selected characters for quick menu #614

Closed MapleGingerOatmeal closed 1 year ago

MapleGingerOatmeal commented 1 year ago

Unless I'm missing this setting somewhere, I would love to be able to set a minimum number of selected characters required for the quick menu to open.

I often copy/paste short strings of numbers, and I'd like to restrict those instances from being affected by the search menu popping up. It would also be nice to be able to prevent the quick menu from popping up on those occasional times when I double click and highlight something accidentally.

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

I think both options could be added without too much issue. I assume you're using the auto opening feature for the quick menu?

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

I've added both options. They'll be found in the advanced options in the next release. Just fyi, it's going to be a while yet for the next version. I have some major back-end changes that need testing.

MapleGingerOatmeal commented 1 year ago

That's great, this will really improve my entire experience of using the extension. Thanks!

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

No prob. I'll re-open this as a reminder and post a followup when the next release is out.

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

I believe this is slated for the next minor release.

If you're on FF, you can test the release candidate here

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

1.46.8 going live now