ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
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[Feature-Request] Auto-Highlight Search-Term in Toolbar-Menu #628

Closed ThomasSeeker closed 1 year ago

ThomasSeeker commented 1 year ago

Hey, it's me again with a feature request. ... I hope I am not coming across as annoying! ;-)

The main reason, why I use the Toolbar-Menu more often these days, is the search field. ... And every time when I want to start a fresh new search, I need to delete the auto-filled search-term from the clipboard first.

I know, there exists the option, to auto-clear this field. I tried it, but half of the times I actually want the clipboard-entry to be there. :-D

So the ideal solution for me (and maybe other too) would be: The entry is there all the time, but as soon as I start typing it gets deleted and overwritten by my typing. (Sort of an auto-highlight without the highlight-colouring.)

Can you see some value in this behaviour too? And would it even be possible to achieve?

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

I'm surprised this doesn't happen. What is your setting for image

under the quick menu options?

ThomasSeeker commented 1 year ago

Ohh, I see! I didn't know of this option. Because I don't use the searchbar with the Quick-Menu (only with the Toolbar-Menu), I never looked there.

Ah, thank you! ... This is exactly what I wanted. ... You really thought this whole thing through to the end! :-) Impressive!

I also now changed the background-color of the now highlighted search terms. The original one was my systems default and a bit to aggressive for this use case for my taste.

In case someone wants this too: The css would be:

#searchBar::selection {color:#xyz!important;}
#searchBar::selection {background-color:#xyz!important;}

Thank you very much, Ssborbis!

ssborbis commented 1 year ago

No prob