ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
318 stars 35 forks source link

Not a Bug! Alternative but as a app for Windows #638

Open katastrophe92 opened 1 year ago

katastrophe92 commented 1 year ago

Hello there! Sorry for asking here. Does anybody know a ContextSearch-web-ext like but as a Win installable/portable application? If Open Source even better.

I only know one alternative but as a Windows app but the developer or the one who bought the project did a 🐀 move. If interested read the reviews to know why: SnipDo.

Hope someone can help me. Thanks!

ssborbis commented 9 months ago

No idea if you found something that works, but it may be possible to use a python app + the native messaging API to launch browser searches. What exactly would the process of searching look like? I assume you're wanting to select text in some native application ( Word, notepad, whatever ) and get a similar menu to what CS shows, in order to search the selected word in a browser?

katastrophe92 commented 9 months ago

Yes just like ''SnipDo'' does