ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
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Importing Firefox list into Chrome #656

Closed nollinvoyd closed 9 months ago

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago

I import the list, which has a bunch of engines, and everything below the top 12 on the list is greyed out. Firefox is ok.

I added "StartPage", in this form "".

It is not greyed out, but it doesn't work.

I've gone thru the settings. Whatever adjustments I tried did not help. Are a high number of search engines not compatible in Chrome?

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

Hmm... are the missing engines listed as Firefox engines ( orange oval with white FF ) in Firefox? Any engines used in the Firefox search bar will not be accessible to Chrome.

If possible, you can zip and post your config here or email me directly, and I'll try importing to Chrome on my machine to see what happens.

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago

EDIT: All greyed out look like this


Do you still want that zip file?

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

Those marked with FF are references to Firefox engines only, and not available for export in their current state.

If you want to copy those engines to Chrome, you must first fully import them into Firefox.


Click the Select File button and browse to your search.json.mozlz4 file in your profile directory. Doing this will replace references to Firefox engines (FF) with fully imported version of those same engines. These fully imported engines can then be exported, and used with Chrome.

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

I just checked and there appears to be a bug with the importer code. I'll take a look and let your know what i find.

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

Ok, a fix is in the master branch, and I'll get a new Firefox release out in the next couple days.

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago


I don't know if this is related. I created this in Chrome.


It creates a search inside of Mozillazine, which is my preference, i.e.,

mox chrome

I tried to do it in Firefox, this is the result

mox fire

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

Using the exact same template in Firefox, it blocks your search? That's odd. I'll try it myself.

(edit) Do you need to be logged in to mozillazine to perform a search, and you are in chrome but you aren't in Firefox?

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

1.46.16 is live on AMO. No chrome release, but it's mostly a hotfix for this FF issue.

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago

(edit) Do you need to be logged in to mozillazine to perform a search

Yes, but I just updated, That MOZILLAZINE engine I mentioned now works in Firefox, but yes, I'm must be logged in, so I don't know if that was the case before. I'm guessing it's not supposed to be like that,, since it's not necessary in Chrome?

I've also been exploring the settings. Extensive. Impressive. I'm trying to process. You wouldn't happen to have a video? I tried a few things that don't seem to be working for me. Probably something I'm not doing right?

context add


search side panel

search side panel

I got the impression this could be done in text only? And don't know what all those blank icons are about?

search text

context grid

search button

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure what the first set of screenshots are trying to show, but if you're asking about displaying the engines as a list with text, and not simply icons, you can click the icon in your last image to the right of the top-most mozillazine icon. ( Grid / List )

The screenshot with all the blank icons with the header "Layout" is for a drag & drop feature that opens a full page menu of your chosen layout. If you choose "enable pagetiles" on that same menu, select some text, and start to drag it a ways, it should pop up an overlay showing that grid layout. It's a separate menu from the last screenshot you posted.

grid pagetiles

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure what the first set of screenshots are trying to show,

"Right-click the search bar on any webpage"

The top image, I thought it related to this (from the video), enabling me to add the search engine for the place I was visiting, but the option is not there. Is that search bar something that can be added from the settings? I don't have anything like that. For only searching the site? Sorry for all my confusion.

context add2

but if you're asking about displaying the engines as a list with text, and not simply icons, you can click the icon in your last image to the right of the top-most mozillazine icon. ( Grid / List )

Got it.

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago

I went here, but I'm don't understand "Right-click the search bar on "any" webpage". I don't have that elsewhere, and no "Add Custom Search" (same as "Add to ContextSearch"?)

context add3

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

You might try on a different website. Mozilla blocks Firefox addons from working on mozilla sites.

nollinvoyd commented 10 months ago

Sorry for all the questions.

Can you suggest another site that works for you? Should I be seeing that on Chrome as well?

Any fix for searching Mozillazine without logging in?

ssborbis commented 10 months ago

Any fix for searching Mozillazine without logging in?

I'm not sure. The actual search bar on mozillazine uses a google site search. You could try changing your template to that I suppose.

ssborbis commented 9 months ago

I'm doing some housekeeping on old issues. If you still need help with anything in this thread, please reopen it.