ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
315 stars 35 forks source link

Version 1.46.25 (latest?) not working #697

Closed f73 closed 2 months ago

f73 commented 2 months ago

As per title, extension v1.46.25 no longer works after latest update, tried firefox 124.0.2 just before update to firefox 125.0.2. Not working on chrome 124.0 as well.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for great extension!

WakeXT commented 2 months ago

Since the latest update to version 1.46.25 it only seems to work partially (browser is Firefox 126B4): Using the currently active search-engine via context menu which for me defaults to Search Google IFL for "xyz" works fine but the menu at the bottom where you select Search for "xyz"> list of all my search engines to select which one to search with for the marked text is broken and won't open a new tab or start a search at all.

MarkRH commented 2 months ago

Version 1.46.25 in Firefox 125.0.2 seems to have broken the Context Menu.. I select any of them to do a search and nothing happens.


This is the menu I am talking about. Clicking any search engine does nothing.

exec228 commented 2 months ago

Same here: home Fx LTS 115 - stopped opening a new window with search engine; work Fx 125 - stopped opening new window with search engine.

ssborbis commented 2 months ago

New version going up with a potential fix. I'm not sure why I wasn't seeing this bug on my test setup.

runningcheese commented 2 months ago

@ssborbis A big thanks for your update!!! In this issue, there is a little problem.

In the latest version, chrome and edge are working fine, but in firefox (125.0.1), some bookmarklets will only display a new tab, and the function cannot be executed. try this code, doesn't work in firefox:

javascript:outText='';for(i=0;i<document.images.length;i++){if(outText.indexOf(document.images[i].src)==-1){outText+='<tr><td><img style=max-width:800px src='+document.images[i].src+'></td><td>'+document.images[i].naturalWidth+'x'+document.images[i].naturalHeight+'</td></tr><p>'}};if(outText!=''){'','imgWin');imgWindow.document.write('<table style=margin:auto border=1 cellpadding=10><tr><th>Image</th><th>Size</th></tr><p>'+outText+'</table><p>');imgWindow.document.close()}else{alert('No Images!')}

MarkRH commented 2 months ago

Version 1.46.26 looks to have made the Context Menu work again to choose a search engine.
Thanks for your efforts!

ssborbis commented 2 months ago

Version 1.46.26 looks to have made the Context Menu work again to choose a search engine. Thanks for your efforts!

Good to hear. Sorry about the inconvenience everyone.


I'll take a look and let you know what I find.

ssborbis commented 2 months ago


Did you set "scriptsUseBlobs": true, on Firefox? That seems to be working for me.

runningcheese commented 2 months ago

@ssborbis Thanks Mike, it's my fault, i forgot to set "scriptsUseBlobs", It works fine now. A big thanks for your work!

f73 commented 2 months ago

Works great again, thanks for all the hard work!