ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
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Input Cursor #709

Closed YaBoyJon23 closed 3 weeks ago

YaBoyJon23 commented 3 weeks ago

Everytime I make a search ie. Google, when I want to add to the search terms, the input cursor moves to the beginning when I want to add to it at the end.

cursor issue

ssborbis commented 3 weeks ago

As far as I'm aware, this addon doesn't do anything with the cursor position. I'm not sure why that would happen, but you could probably add some post-search script to your google engine that moves the cursor to the end.

ssborbis commented 3 weeks ago

Something like...

  let input = document.querySelector('textarea');
  input.selectionStart = input.value.length;
YaBoyJon23 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it doesnt seem to work. I also tried reinstalling the extension so it loads with most defaults and only thing I changed was it to auto show quick menu. That didn't work so I thought maybe its one of the many many other extensions I have installed so I tried in private mode just enabling this extension and I tried it on the Edge Beta I have installed that has no extensions except this one. I captured a video and I my observation is it doesn't seem to move the cursor all the time. Its more than half the time so its just so frustrating. If you see in the video below the cursor moves to the beginning on the 2nd search. So far I've only notice this happening on Google

ssborbis commented 3 weeks ago

When you land on, are you clicking anything to get the dropdown menu (suggestions) on the search field? It seems to be opening by itself. I don't seem to have that as my default behavior in either Firefox, Edge, or Chrome.

YaBoyJon23 commented 3 weeks ago

I am clicking anywhere but usually at the end of the search term last letter so I can start typing. As soon as I do the search suggests dropdown comes out.

YaBoyJon23 commented 3 weeks ago

Just did it again just to make sure I answered you correctly. As soon as opened I clicked at the end of the last letter where the search box is. The cursor went from the end to the start. Had to click at the end again to place cursor and add additional search terms.

ssborbis commented 3 weeks ago

Could you disable the search results highlighting and see if it continues to happen? I cant seem to get that bug and I'm trying to narrow it down for you.


YaBoyJon23 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you. That fixed it I think. I did 10 tests and the issue did not appear once. This is great