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Website Updated #66

Closed sylviesworld closed 3 years ago

sylviesworld commented 3 years ago

IMPORTANT NPM changed how it handles peer dependencies so when you npm install you need to add the flag --legacy-peer-deps EX. npm install --legacy-peer-deps

With this update, we cut down the vulnerabilities from npm from 500+ to 2. The 2 left are from an the clickhouse module depending on an outdated version of lodash (hopefully they fix this soon).

There are still a number of react errors and deprecations that get logged to the console that I need to fix, but everything works as is so you should be able to run it while I work on fixing those.

Finally, I can't test the production version of the site myself so if you run into any problems let me know!

sylviesworld commented 3 years ago

Already synced with master