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Available S version (.s) maps? #4

Closed k----n closed 4 years ago

k----n commented 4 years ago

From the tutorial: (.s) signifies that there are either .s or .gz versions of these files in gz/ subfolder, which can be opened with Python gzip module or Unix zcat.
da0 is the only server with these .s/.gz files

List of relationships:

* a2b       * a2c (.s)  * a2f       * a2ft      
* a2p (.s)  * a2trp0 (.s)
* b2a       * b2c (.s)  * b2f (.s)  * b2ob      * b2tk
* c2b (.s)  * c2cc      * c2f (.s)  * c2h       * c2pc
* c2p (.s)  * c2P       * c2ta (.s) * c2td
* f2a       * f2b (.s)  * f2c (.s)      
* p2a (.s)  * p2c (.s)  * P2c
* td2c      * td2f

It seems like there aren't that many S version maps described in the list of relationships?

audrism commented 4 years ago

The single server does not have sufficient disk space for all, so the search pattern should be /da?_data/basemaps/gz

k----n commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I noticed that there are only S versions for c2p, a2c, p2c, c2ta.

What are the differences between versions R and S?

Also I can't find anything with trp (Torvalds Path?) in the gz subfolder.

What's the difference between b2callfFull vs b2cFull? b2fextra vs b2fFull?

audrism commented 4 years ago

As I move to new version, I archive older versions due to limited space on the servers.

see about versions

TP was calculated for some old version of data, I am not sure its that relevant.

b2callfFull breaks files by commit, while b2fFull lists files and b2cFull commits

b2fExtra may be a leftover of some consistency check.

k----n commented 4 years ago

Very nice, thanks!

How long does it take to generate the gzip maps?

Also the WoCFse19.pdf FSE'19 Keynote is 0 bytes in .

k----n commented 4 years ago

FSE'19 slides are here: .

audrism commented 4 years ago

I pushed the slides in case fse site goes out at some point

MRS paper extension to EMSE should have the time durations, but I think it is still under review