ssc-spc-ccoe-cei / azure-guardrails-solution-accelerator

This implementation automates reporting to verify compliance with GC Cloud Guardrails. SSC and TBS review the results. Cette mise en œuvre automatise la production de rapports afin de vérifier la conformité aux mesures de sécurité infonuagique du GC. SPC et SCT examinent les résultats.
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GR1 | Validation 3| MFA and Count for Global Administrator Accounts (M) #134

Open MathesonSho opened 3 months ago

MathesonSho commented 3 months ago

ItemName ENG: “MFA and Count for Global Administrator Accounts (M)” ItemName FR: "AMF et compte pour des comptes d'administrateur général (M)"

Description: This is an existing control “Global Administrators Accounts MFA check” however the logic has added a count and the check can be improved.

Ideal Control check would follow the following flow…

  1. Getting a list of Azure Cloud Native Accounts automatically (MS Entra ID) a. OR using the current attestation logic and,

  2. then determine which users have the Global Administrator role (Indirect and Direct).

  3. If all identified accounts (excl. BG Accounts) have 2+ methods of authentication then the department is compliant Note: This check excludes the breakglass accounts provided by the department in the config.json.

  4. If any of the identified accounts (excl. BG Accounts) do not have MFA then the department is non-compliant

  5. If the identified accounts are less than 2 or more than 6 the department is non-compliant.

New French Comment to add: globalAdminAccntsSurplus = Il doit y avoir six comptes d’administrateur général ou moins.

globalAdminAccntsSurplus = There must be six or fewer global administrator accounts.