ssc-spc-ccoe-cei / azure-guardrails-solution-accelerator

This implementation automates reporting to verify compliance with GC Cloud Guardrails. SSC and TBS review the results. Cette mise en œuvre automatise la production de rapports afin de vérifier la conformité aux mesures de sécurité infonuagique du GC. SPC et SCT examinent les résultats.
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GR1 | Validation 6 | Dedicated User Accounts for Administration (M) #157

Open MathesonSho opened 1 month ago

MathesonSho commented 1 month ago

NEW ItemName: Dedicated User Accounts for Administration (M) ItemNameFR: Comptes d’utilisateurs dédiés sont utilisés pour l’administration (M)

Description: This is a new control for the validation “ Provide evidence that there are dedicated user accounts for administration (for example, privileged access)”. The check will look at highly privileged roles such as Global Administrators. Highly Privileged Roles include:

The control will confirm the UPN format for users logging in to use the GA role assigned as well as the format for used for other activities by the same user. The check will confirm that each Global Administrator account has a matching non-admin account.

i.e., Gerry is a Cloud Administrator/ Global Administrator. He has two accounts for his azure tenant.

Account 1 has the ability to use the Global Administrator role. Account 2 is used for other role assignments

Another example of formats:

Flow: During installation the config.json will ask for the account format for a highly privileged user and other users. OR Department uploads evidence document with the formats/ UPNs for the check Comments

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