ssc-spc-ccoe-cei / azure-guardrails-solution-accelerator

This implementation automates reporting to verify compliance with GC Cloud Guardrails. SSC and TBS review the results. Cette mise en œuvre automatise la production de rapports afin de vérifier la conformité aux mesures de sécurité infonuagique du GC. SPC et SCT examinent les résultats.
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GR2 | Validation 7 | Authentication Mechanisms: Risk Based Conditional Access Policies (M) #178

Open MathesonSho opened 1 month ago

MathesonSho commented 1 month ago

ItemName: Authentication Mechanisms: Risk Based Conditional Access Policies (M) ItemName FR: « Mécanismes d'authentification : politiques d'accès conditionnel basées sur les risques (M) »

Description: This is a new control that looks at a previously existing check and creates a new one. It will confirm that the environment has enabled risk-based policy’s such as the password change, and an allowed location Conditional Access Policies.

Check 1: Password Changes –Conditional Access Policy

Check 2: Allowed Location – Conditional Access Policy

If both of the conditional access policies exist and are formatted as required the check will be compliant.

Comments If non-compliantc1= Configure the conditional access policy to force password changes based on user risk. If non-compliantc2= Configure the conditional access policy to prevent sign-in's from unapproved named locations. If non-compliantc1c2 = Configure the conditional access policies outlined in the remediation guidance.

If compliant = Compliant. Both conditional access policies have been configured.