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Automating Red Hat Satellite 6 - End to End | Steffen’s random thoughts #2

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Automating Red Hat Satellite 6 - End to End | Steffen’s random thoughts

This my personal blog, where I post about things that I do and find interesting. All posts and thoughts on this blog are solely my opinion and are not related to my employer.

pascavdbosch commented 1 year ago

I just finished making my own satellite and capsule installer / config role. It works, but your setup gives me new ideas :) Awsome post! I'm gonna use some ideas from you.

stdevel commented 1 year ago

A very detailed and well-made documentation - thanks for sharing!

noctrnal commented 4 months ago

This was incredible! Thank you so much for the guide. I'm hitting an error towards the beginning, if you could give me an idea of where I went wrong. I get a "Kickstart validation failed" with:

ok: [localhost] => { "msg": "The following problem occurred on line 67 of the kickstart file:\n\nUnknown command: rootpw --iscrypted $6$TfBa5fXRVnZqpG/e$VWaD8mjeJnsthXYTt/pzqWSe4mtyBRo8Q4n5ahLp0gsBGjLKAhaR67JPd1LCOfeRV1pKvHczSdFn1y3v75Yyd1" }

Pykickstart module installed. Any ideas? Any help is greatly apprecaited.

Thanks again for the amazing write up!

sscheib commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. As I said on the issue you've opened, I think I fixed this already, but forgot to update collections/requirements.yml to use the fixed version of my role.

Please go ahead and give it a try :slightly_smiling_face:

noctrnal commented 4 months ago

Trying now. Much gratitude for the quick response time. We have been using satellite for a few years now, but mostly clickops. We're just now starting our ansible journey, and this was an incredible find! Thank you again for the detailed guide, and sincerest thanks for maintaining this project. I can see it being pivotal moving forward with automating our satellite environment.