sschmid / Entitas

Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
MIT License
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Could not resolve type with token ... expected class System.Threading.CancellationToken #1072

Closed Atlinx closed 12 months ago

Atlinx commented 12 months ago

Hey all, I'm using Unity 2022.3.4f1 and I'm getting the following error when I run generate through the Jenny window in the editor. I'm using the 1.14.1 version of Entitas, and I following the installation steps mentioned in this issue


What's causing this error?

sschmid commented 12 months ago

@Atlinx have a look at

make sure you have dotnet 6.0 installed

Atlinx commented 12 months ago

I have dotnet 6 installed and the result is unfortunately still the same. Do I need to delete dotnet 7.0? I'm using a global.json file in the root of the repository which should in theory make all dotnet calls within the project use 6.0.

sschmid commented 12 months ago

Ok, all should work, if you have dotnet 6 and a similar to Match-One. Please compare your, it looks like you're using plugins that only work in Unity, like the old reflection-based plugins, same as described #1050

sschmid commented 12 months ago

You can share your and I can have a look

Atlinx commented 12 months ago

Here's my for the Match-One repository I cloned locally:

Jenny.SearchPaths = Assets/Entitas, \
                    Assets\Jenny\Editor\Jenny, \
                    Jenny/Plugins/Entitas, \
                    Jenny/Plugins/Jenny, \
Jenny.Plugins = Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins, \
                Entitas.Roslyn.CodeGeneration.Plugins, \
                Entitas.VisualDebugging.CodeGeneration.Plugins, \
                Jenny.Plugins, \
Jenny.PreProcessors = Jenny.Plugins.ValidateProjectPathPreProcessor, \
                      Jenny.Plugins.Unity.WarnIfCompilationErrorsPreProcessor, \
Jenny.DataProviders = Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentDataProvider, \
                      Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ContextDataProvider, \
                      Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EntityIndexDataProvider, \
                      Entitas.Roslyn.CodeGeneration.Plugins.CleanupDataProvider, \
                      Entitas.Roslyn.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentDataProvider, \
Jenny.CodeGenerators = Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentContextApiGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentEntityApiGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentEntityApiInterfaceGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentLookupGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentMatcherApiGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ContextAttributeGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ContextGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ContextMatcherGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ContextsGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EntityGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EntityIndexGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EventEntityApiGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EventListenerComponentGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EventListenerInterfaceGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EventSystemGenerator, \
                       Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EventSystemsGenerator, \
                       Entitas.Roslyn.CodeGeneration.Plugins.CleanupSystemGenerator, \
                       Entitas.Roslyn.CodeGeneration.Plugins.CleanupSystemsGenerator, \
                       Entitas.VisualDebugging.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ContextObserverGenerator, \
Jenny.PostProcessors = Jenny.Plugins.AddFileHeaderPostProcessor, \
                       Jenny.Plugins.CleanTargetDirectoryPostProcessor, \
                       Jenny.Plugins.MergeFilesPostProcessor, \
                       Jenny.Plugins.NewLinePostProcessor, \
                       Jenny.Plugins.UpdateCsprojPostProcessor, \
                       Jenny.Plugins.WriteToDiskPostProcessor, \
                       Jenny.Plugins.ConsoleWriteLinePostProcessor, \
Jenny.Server.Port = 3333
Jenny.Client.Host = localhost
Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.Contexts = Game, \
                                          Input, \
                                          GameState, \
Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.IgnoreNamespaces = false
Jenny.Plugins.ProjectPath = Assembly-CSharp.csproj
Jenny.Plugins.TargetDirectory = Assets
Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.Assemblies = Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp.dll

I'm also running this in Windows 11 if that makes a difference.

sschmid commented 12 months ago

There are differences in the compared to the one from Match-One. Same issue as #1050

I recommend using the one from Match-One as a starting point.

E.g. your contains old and obsolete Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentDataProvider (and others)

Use the one from Match-One and all should be fine

sschmid commented 12 months ago

Explanation: The old non-roslyn data providers like Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.ComponentDataProvider and Entitas.CodeGeneration.Plugins.EntityIndexDataProvider have been replaced with the roslyn ones.

They used to be part of the paid Unity Asset store version, but for a while now thats all free and included in the GitHub version, too.

More about this here

Atlinx commented 12 months ago

Ah, overwriting my with the new Match-One fixed it! :D I think the reason why my properties file looks like this is because I pressed auto import in the Jenny window at some point, and I never thought about resetting the properties file to test again with dotnet 6.0.

I'm able to get the generation to run through the CLI command but the editor window is still broken, unfortunately.

sschmid commented 12 months ago

The new roslyn data providers are "too new" to run in Unity, that's why for now ti will only run in the terminal. I think that's fine, because using jenny server is also the fastest way to gerate and the recommended way. Since your files contained the old data providers they probably had to load Unity related assemblies (because of reflection). This can work in the terminal, but is not recommended because it basically needs to load Unity. So I will skip instructions to make it work the old way and save you some time ;)

sschmid commented 12 months ago

Fyi, I'm working on replacing Jenny altogether and use c# source generators instead. This will simplify the setup and there won't be any anymore that causes confusion.

See #1005

Stay tuned!