sschmid / Entitas

Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
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Events aka Reactive-UI #591

Closed sschmid closed 6 years ago

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Add new Attributes, Data Providers and Code Generators to generate what we know under the name Reactive UI (as explained in this Unite Talk video

public sealed class GameOverComponent : IComponent {

public sealed class PositionComponent : IComponent {
    public Vector3 value;

I plan to generate 2 different events, one that's independent from entities [Event(false)] and one that's bound to a specific entity [Event(true)]

public interface IGameOverListener {
    void OnGameOver(bool isGameOver);

public sealed class GameOverListenerComponent : IComponent {
    public IGameOverListener value;

public sealed class GameOverEventSystem : ReactiveSystem<GameEntity> {

    readonly IGroup<GameEntity> _listsners;

    public GameOverEventSystem(Contexts contexts) : base( {
        _listsners =;

    protected override ICollector<GameEntity> GetTrigger(IContext<GameEntity> context) {
        return context.CreateCollector(GameMatcher.GameOver.AddedOrRemoved());

    protected override bool Filter(GameEntity entity) {
        return true;

    protected override void Execute(List<GameEntity> entities) {
        foreach (var e in entities) {
            foreach (var listener in _listsners) {
public interface IPositionListener {
    void OnPosition(Vector3 position);

public sealed class PositionListenerComponent : IComponent {
    public IPositionListener value;

public sealed class PositionEventSystem : ReactiveSystem<GameEntity> {

    public PositionEventSystem(Contexts contexts) : base( {

    protected override ICollector<GameEntity> GetTrigger(IContext<GameEntity> context) {
        return context.CreateCollector(GameMatcher.Position);

    protected override bool Filter(GameEntity entity) {
        return entity.hasPosition && entity.hasPositionListener;

    protected override void Execute(List<GameEntity> entities) {
        foreach (var e in entities) {

This is the idea, the implementation might be different once I see it in action.

Discussion and feedback is welcome

ghost commented 6 years ago

I would say you always want the entity from Event(true) despite it's unique. So the generator could handle that for you. Furthermore the OnPositionChanged(Vector3 position, GameEntity entity) Method should also be called when the Group of PositionEventComponent is changing so that the registered interface get directly called (as Group Event, not reactive so it won't get called the next tick). Finally a Remove Event would be good.

raslab commented 6 years ago

Our team check this way and event handling like this is unprofitable in huge projects, while you can't subscribe for group of components. For example, 2 cases:

Also few features will be useful here:

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Updated code

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Iteration 1 will contain generated

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Test results can already be seen here

Draugor commented 6 years ago

For the attributes i would suggest to name them differently instead of [Event(true)] and [Event(false)]. Currently you would have to know if "false" is an Entity bound event or not instead of just seeing it at a glance. One could read the parameter as "is pure event" or as "is entity event" (which it currently is) Maybe call them [Event] and [EntityEvent] or something along these lines, to clearly differentiate them.

optimisez commented 6 years ago

I suggest can call it one-to-one event and one-to-many event.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Current state: You can flag components with [Event(true)] or [Event(false)] [Event(bool bindToEntity)]


[Unique, Event(false)]
public sealed class ScoreComponent : IComponent {
     public int value;

After generation you can use the IListener

public class GameHUDController : MonoBehaviour, IScoreListener {

    public Text scoreLabel;

    void Start() {;

    public void OnScore(int value) {
        scoreLabel.text = value.ToString();

The generated GameScoreEventSystem which notifies all IScoreListeners will be added to the generated EventSystems feature automatically.

When [Event(true)] the listener is on the same entity as the component of interest, e.g.

public sealed class PositionComponent : IComponent {
    public Vector3 value;
public class View : MonoBehaviour, IView, IPositionListener {

    public virtual Vector3 position { get { return transform.localPosition; } set { transform.localPosition = 

    public virtual void Link(IEntity entity, IContext context) {
        gameObject.Link(entity, context);
        var e = (GameEntity)entity;

    public virtual void OnPosition(Vector3 value) {
        position = value;

I will show this in the Shmup Part 3 video

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Forgot to mention:

It's really awesome! :)

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

What if I want multiple listeners to [Event(true)]?

sschmid commented 6 years ago

[Event(true)] is bound to one entity, there can only be one. Try using [Event(false)] instead

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

Event(true) usage is kind of narrow, will keep using entity.OnComponentAdded

Can it use Action under the hood to allow multiple listeners? Something like this:

public sealed class HealthCompListenerComponent : Entitas.IComponent {

    public Action<float> value;

public partial class GameCEntity {

    public HealthCompListenerComponent healthCompListener { get { return (HealthCompListenerComponent)GetComponent(GameCComponentsLookup.HealthCompListener); } }
    public bool hasHealthCompListener { get { return HasComponent(GameCComponentsLookup.HealthCompListener); } }

    public void AddHealthCompListener(IHealthCompListener listener) {
        if (!hasHealthCompListener) {
            var index = GameCComponentsLookup.HealthCompListener;
            var component = CreateComponent<HealthCompListenerComponent>(index);
            component.value += listener;
            AddComponent(index, component);
        else {
            healthCompListener.value += listener;

    public void RemoveHealthCompListener(IHealthCompListener listener) {
        healthCompListener.value -= listener;
        if (healthCompListener.value == null) {
c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

Copied existing generators and changed to use Action Gist. It needs extension method for convenience, didn't write generator for it

public static void ListenHealthComp (this GameCEntity ent, Action<float> action) {
    if (!ent.hasHealthCompListener) {
    ent.healthCompListener.value    += action;

Here are my thoughts after digging in event generators:

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Agree, I'm not 100% happy with [Event(bool)]. Suggestions for names? [Event] and [EntityEvent]?

IXyzEntityListener could pass the entity instead of the value

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

[Event] and [EntityEvent] sound good

optimisez commented 6 years ago

Or One-To-One Event and Many-To-One Event? Btw XyzEntityListener could pass the entity instead of the value? Do u mean passing the whole entity instead of based on the data from component?

sschmid commented 6 years ago


Do u mean passing the whole entity instead of the data from component?


sschmid commented 6 years ago

but not sure if that's a good idea as it might encourage modifying the entity

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

IXyzEntityListener could pass the entity instead of the value but not sure if that's a good decision as it might encourage modifying the entity

I'd use entity argument in both Event and EntityEvent, sometimes there are additional components on entities.

roygear commented 6 years ago
public sealed class GameStateOverEventComponent : IComponent { }

public class UiController : MonoBehaviour, IGameStateOverEventListener

    public void OnGameStateOverEvent(bool isGameStateOverEvent) // this paramenter is not needed
        //do something

feature request: empty parameter event function

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

@roygear eventSystem tracks all value changes of Component. When there are class members system reacts to Added trigger, without class members it reacts to AddedOrRemoved trigger.


      MemberData[] memberData = data.GetMemberData();
      string newValue1 = memberData.Length == 0 ? "AddedOrRemoved" : "Added";

Do you request separate Added, Removed systems or separate subscription?

In case of isGameOver that could be useful, in case like isFrozen that would lead to subscribe twice to the same function, one to display frozen state, another to turn it off. So it's the same problem rotated around

optimisez commented 6 years ago

but not sure if that's a good idea as it might encourage modifying the entity

So is that the new feature u plan to work on? One use case I encounter when working on game object pooling is I need to pass the entity as parameter to the interface so I can get the entity at MonoBehaviour side to add event listener component as it's Event(true) event that's bound to a specific entity. Or maybe there is better solution for this problem?

FNGgames commented 6 years ago

Typo in generated code btw: "_listsners"

FNGgames commented 6 years ago

I love this feature, my animation controllers are doing a lot of polling right now so I'm looking forward to rewriting them in this way.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Please don't put the EventListenerComponent with the interface on the same entity with [Event(true)] instead on a new one with only listening purpose. It's very handy to have as many listeners on a component as you want by registration. In this way it feels like a real Observer/Listener pattern. Will the current solution call the Listener Method after registration automatically if there is already the component or will it only getting called after a new change? Would call the [Event(true)] an [LinkEvent] or [LinkedEvent] because it's bounded to the entity.

roygear commented 6 years ago


I like to trigger a event then the listener do something without using any parameter.

public void OnGameStateOverEvent(){ // do things}

It could be done in previous manually way. Of course, use generator way is better if supported.

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

@StormRene when callbacks are on different entities, how system would trigger only callbacks subscribed to this entity? How about keeping multiple callbacks in a component of an entity?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@c0ffeeartc creationIndex is the key for that. You are subscribing to the component with the specific creationIndex of that entity to determine if it's the correct one.

listenerEntity.AddHealthEventListener(targetIndex, this);

The Listener Component should look like this:

public class HealthEventListenerComponent : IComponent {
    public int targetCreationIndex;
    public IHealthEventListener listener;

So the system which calles it could do this:

//Collector in Health
protected override void Execute(List<CoreEntity> entities) {
    foreach (var target in entities) {
        var listeners = context.GetEntitiesWithHealthEventListener(target.creationIndex);
        foreach (var listener in listeners) {

Additionally it's very very handy to have a system that has his GetTrigger on the HealthEventListener so that when a new one get registered this system checks if there is already a state and calls the new listener immediately. We are using for this directly the group.OnEntityAdded, because otherwise the initial call for the registration would be one tick later when the next entitas update is getting called. If you don't call them on registration you have to check for yourself in the view after you are adding the listener and adjust for the current state only to have the same code one the listener callback again. Not cool.

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

If we agree on passing entity as argument to Event and EntityEvent, can we use this interface void (Contexts contexts, GameEntity ent) ?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Imo there are two options:

void HealthChanged(int creationIndex, int newHealth);


void HealthChanged(GameEntity healthEntity, int newHealth);

Why do you need the Contexts?

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

I need Contexts to get access to everything 😄
For example event entity is only a signal that something happened, then view gathers data through contexts and updates itself. Contexts and entity are present in eventSystem, why not share them. In case these won't pass to final interface, I'll just use Contexts.sharedInstance, and GetEntityWith* to do the same thing.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Why not getting all the necessary data through the Events? If you need other data on a specific event just register new listeners:

void TookDamageChanged(GameEntity e, int damage) {
    listenerEntity.AddAnotherListener(e.creationIndex, this);
void AnotherListenerChange(int newData) {
//go for it.

This way you are pure reactive. If you need to collect data from the contexts you should consider to first make a new system that collects the data and then react with a listener on the new component that this system is creating.

beck-daniel commented 6 years ago

While its nice to have the classes generated for you by applying the annotation to the component, wouldn't it make more sense to generate using objects that define more elaborate triggers? It would be much more helpful to generate interfaces around a matcher rather than to create them over a single component.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

@beck-daniel thought about that, we definitely need that to express more complex scenarios. I've got sth in my head already.

echeg commented 6 years ago

Many cases when for one entity it is necessary to call simultaneously several changes in the UI. For example, we have several units, each of them has health. And when it changes, this change needs to be shown in two+ different places(hp bar, card info, stats screen etc).
We use group.OnEntityAdded and creation index id for this.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

I changed the interface to include the entity:

public interface IPositionListener {
    void OnPosition(GameEntity entity, UnityEngine.Vector3 value);

Problem: Imagine PositionComponent is tagged with [Core] and [Meta]

I have 2 options:

  1. generate ICorePositionListener and IMetaPositionListener and have a type-safe entity
  2. only generate IPositionListener but with IEntityas a parameter

Nr 1 would look like this

public class View : MonoBehaviour, IGamePositionListener {
    // ...
   // ...

    public void OnPosition(GameEntity entity, Vector3 value) {
        position = value;

Nr 2 would look like this

public class View : MonoBehaviour, IPositionListener {
    // ...
   // ...

    public void OnPosition(IEntity entity, Vector3 value) {
        position = value;

Any thought? When IEntity: Since we get the value we don't always have to cast the entity to e.g. CoreEntity. We could have 1 OnPosition that can handle both entity types

When typed entity: More convenient, but slightly uglier interface and component name, because it contains the context name

optimisez commented 6 years ago

@sschmid First option seems quite nice as u can know the context. Btw will this implementation introduces more method calls and slow down the performance as method call is not cheap.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Maybe I can try to skip the context name, if I only detect 1 context.

@optimisez no additional method call, just signature change

optimisez commented 6 years ago

I see you add entity to the parameter but I think maybe you can make it able to configure attribute at component to make it generate interface that has/without entity as parameter will be even better. Just like how Event(true) and Event(false) work previously that generate code based on attribute configuration. Although I'm not really sure will it affect much performance for 1 parameter vs 2 parameters.

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

Something like [EntityEvent( hasContextsArg = false, hasEntityArg = enumEntityArg.CreationIndex, hasEntityFieldsArgs = true)] or [EntityEvent( argFlags = eContexts | eEntityCreationIndex | eEntityFields]. And everyone gets what he wants. Sounds like a hell of generator 😆

optimisez commented 6 years ago

Awesome. Make it generate interface that has no entity parameter by default if there's no eEntityFields. Then maybe [EntityEvent( argFlags = eContexts | eEntityCreationIndex | eEntityFields] is the better way to go.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Changed it to detect if the component only has 1 context and then not prefixing it with the context name. Will pass the entity by default as the sender. For event delegates it is very common to have the sender + args as parameters. The (realdworld) performance is the same.

c0ffeeartc commented 6 years ago

Changed it to detect if the component only has 1 context and then not prefixing it with the context name.

Sorry to say late, but that's probably not a good decision. After adding context and regenerating it will bring compile errors for every subscriber. It's great to have it open source to tweak however we like

optimisez commented 6 years ago

Changed it to detect if the component only has 1 context and then not prefixing it with the context name.

Ya. @sschmid. Make it prefixing it with the context name even he component only has 1 context will be better as it won't introduce breaking change after changing component to more than 1 context.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

@optimisez yes, I'm aware of that. Currently I prefer the shorter api though.

sschmid commented 6 years ago


I'm not quite sure about how to handle all the cases, there are many different use-cases. Example

[Event(false, EventType.Added)]
public sealed class GameOverComponent : IComponent {

EventSystems will usually be executed in the view phase after the update systems. The behaviour of an reactive system is: if isGameOver = true, the entity gets collected and the system executes even if we set isGameOver= false in between. Now what about events? Should IGameOverListener.OnGameOverAdded() be called or not? GameOver happened but we removed it before.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

It probably shouldn't and I filter before

optimisez commented 6 years ago

1) [Event(false, EventType.Added)] generates IGameOverListener.OnGameOverAdded() 2) [Event(false, EventType.Removed)] generates IGameOverListener.OnGameOverRemoved() 3) [Event(false)] generates IGameOverListener.OnGameOver()

I think make it able to supports all these 3 events as sometimes u just only want to trigger event when isGameOver = true or isGameOver = false. And sometimes u want trigger both true and false.

sschmid commented 6 years ago

Currently I have:

Flag Components:

[Event(false, EventType.Added)] generates IGameOverListener.OnGameOverAdded(GameEntity entity)

[Event(false, EventType.Removed)] generates IGameOverListener.OnGameOverRemoved(GameEntity entity)

[Event(false, EventType.AddedOrRemoved)] generates IGameOverListener.OnGameOver(GameEntity entity, bool isGameOver)

Normal Components:

[Event(false, EventType.Added)] generates IPositionListener.OnPosition(GameEntity entity, Vector3 position)

[Event(false, EventType.Removed)] generates IPositionListener.OnPositionRemoved(GameEntity entity)

[Event(false, EventType.AddedOrRemoved)] generates IPositionListener.OnPositionAddedOrRemoved(GameEntity entity, Vector3 position)

sschmid commented 6 years ago

I will probably add a check to the filter, so I ensure that it really isGameOver by the time we notify all listeners