ssciwr / doxygen-install

GitHub Action to install Doxygen
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link

Add support 'MAJOR.MINOR' or 'MAJOR' pattern for 'version' field #5

Open hwhsu1231 opened 4 days ago

hwhsu1231 commented 4 days ago

Feature Request

Hello, author of doxygen-install.

I hope that this GitHub Action can support 'MAJOR.MINOR' or 'MAJOR' pattern for 'version' field.

Just like what the following GitHub Actions support:

For example. Suppose that:

I hope that this GitHub Action can automatically compute what the latest release the given pattern version is:


dokempf commented 3 days ago

I agree that this would be desirable. It would require to add complexity to this (very simple) action though, as it would require knowledge of all existing Doxygen versions. I am open to suggestions and PRs.