ssddanbrown / Open-Source-Confusion-Cases

A list of cases where open source licenses are misrepresented or where "Open Source" is used in a non-open-source-definition adhering manner.
MIT License
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CP/M #35

Closed elliotwutingfeng closed 6 months ago

elliotwutingfeng commented 6 months ago

Site maintainer contact details are on the same page.

CP/M is a historical operating system from the early 1970s that is distantly related to Windows. Its source code is stated as open source, but the FAQ states

Please note that Open Source doesn't necessarily mean that there is a GPL, GNU, etc. license. In first place, it simply means that the sources are available for free and can be modified by everybody without needing an additional permission. It does not mean that the license is unlimited. It particularly doesn't include the right to (re)distribute CP/M for commercial use nor is there any guarantee that Lineo won't redraw the license somewhere in the future. Therefore, to avoid trouble, you should always post your modifications of the CP/M sources to this site.

elliotwutingfeng commented 6 months ago

The CEO of Lineo, Inc., Bryan Sparks is the current copyright owner of CP/M. As of 7 July 2022, he has released the source code under an ad-hoc permissive license.
