Closed AbhimanyuAryan closed 8 years ago
@AbhimanyuAryan If you want to use some configuration file, you can use it by copying it (or make symbolic-link) to the right place (ex. xmonad/xmonad.hs
to ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
And also you might need other files if you like my video.
files written in xmonad.hs
Another answer
If you want to apply almost all configurations (not recommended, be careful), you can use dotfile management framework (listed in the section "General-purpose dotfile utilities" at
I also write dot for managing this dotfiles repository.
Anyway, I will add some documentaion to README, thank you.
@ssh0 you need to explain what all symbolic links i need to create. I want all of your stuff.
Nick created a .dotfile for his osx configurations:
and in video: he explained his configuration and usage.
He has written a ./
script which automatically downloads and installs stuff. Also creates symlinks.
You have an extra ordinary config. which people might wanna use. But, there is no ease with using it :(
I have no idea about dot pretty much I have read everything about it to use your configuration.
Anyways I wanna steal all of it not just the selective things. I have newly installed Ubuntu 14.04.
@AbhimanyuAryan OK, I understand.
How to install all the stuff
1: install dot (manually or with zsh-plugin-manager). See here. 2: change the dot's configuration file. See here.
In this case (you will copy all the configurations from folked my repository), run below in your terminal (of cource states after '#' is comment)
export DOT_REPO="" # your folked repository, right?
export DOT_DIR="$HOME/.dotfiles-3" # the directory of the above repository
3: run dot set -v
then, this script makes all the symbolic links to your computer. When you already have some files, it asks you whether to do each time (so don't worry about it).
If you want to get some other applications information (but not listed in dotfiles), you can see my blog post (written in Japanese, sorry).
Finally, in my opinion, you shouldn't copy all the configurations from others. Because you don't know what you do and some (good) default settings is ignored by that. But you can steal some parts of configurations from others and modify it.
ref: at 1h2m51s of "vim + tmux - OMG!Code" - YouTube
So I remove
or dot
this repository and split it to other repository for dot
command which manage your dotfiles.
If you want to know some specific configuration parts, feel free to contact to me.
After cloning how might I install this?