sshirokov / df-bloodlines

The lands of the Chaotic Rulers
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☼Birdclasps☼ Year 127 — The @drobati era #10

Closed drobati closed 10 years ago

drobati commented 10 years ago

So, I guess it's time for me to guide these dwarves into greatness. Hopefully, I deliver.

It begins in 1st, Granite, 127. The reign of the Overseer will end on 1st Granite, 128.

Beginning of year checklist

sshirokov commented 10 years ago


skalnik commented 10 years ago

Nice :beers:

drobati commented 10 years ago

Being attacked.

drobati commented 10 years ago

Hopefully we survive this attack. I've got a lot to do. :open_mouth:

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Way not to die.

Glad the bridge actually worked :grin:

I have no idea what you mean specifically by using garbage dumps for stone and gems though. Do you dump them all and reclaim to fill the stocks instead of just letting them litter around until dorfs get to it?

skalnik commented 10 years ago

So glad the bridge worked and the lever was found. While it may not be in the best spot, I tried to make it super obvious.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago


Someone is drunk with power.

skalnik commented 10 years ago

It was an accident :crying_cat_face:

skalnik commented 10 years ago

@drobati Any updates here?

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

What's going on?! ARE YOU ALIVE?!

UPDATE PLEASE, ASAP I'm losing :money_with_wings: here.

drobati commented 10 years ago

Is this shit over already?

I kind of got screwed on 5th Granite.

drobati commented 10 years ago

quit or save?

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

How did the goblins get in?!

skalnik commented 10 years ago

AM I THE ONLY DECENT LEADER HERE?! Jesus. @sshirokov gives me one dwarf, I fix everything, and then @drobati loses to the goblins. What even.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Shots fired.

What were your accomplishments again? Waiting for immigrants?

skalnik commented 10 years ago

What were your accomplishments again? Waiting for immigrants?

Saving the fort.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Saving the fort.

Like, literally hitting save after letting the game run for a year without action? GG

skalnik commented 10 years ago

Like, literally hitting save after letting the game run for a year without action? GG

BETTER THAN @drobati

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

BETTER THAN @drobati

Hear, hear :exclamation: :grey_exclamation:

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Is this shit over already?

What are the options? Can you just like, win instead?

drobati commented 10 years ago

Oh come on! On day 5, I went under siege. All the dwarfs started throwing tantrums and going berserk. There was no food or drinks... I started a well but then realized there was no way to channel the tunnel to the reservoir, and by the time the dwarves got water it would be too late. Not having any combat experience (The marksdwarves I made probably weren't capable anyway) I thought they would shoot over the bridge but they wouldnt. So I opened the gate, and the fucking goblins ran inside. It turned melee and by that time it was too late to pull the lever which for some reason was placed at the bridge rather than in a meeting hall?

drobati commented 10 years ago

I think I should abandon this fort, start a new one, and pass it a long to the next player on the next 1st Granite. Fresh start for happy dwarves. :beers:

skalnik commented 10 years ago

All the dwarfs started throwing tantrums and going berserk.

Probably due to your murdering.

placed at the bridge rather than in a meeting hall?

I opted for obvious over connivence. MY BAD

I think I should abandon this fort, start a new one, and pass it a long to the next player on the next 1st Granite. Fresh start for happy dwarves.

I think you should try to win. Slava will remain a dwarf and maybe we'll get migrants or some shit. Birdclasps has almost fallen before, but recovered, lets try to do it again. (@sshirokov originally proposed this in IRC last night). NEVER GIVE IN TO THE GOBLINS! DIE TRYING!

drobati commented 10 years ago

@skalnik They threw tantrums because their loved ones bodies were stuck outside when the siege happened.

skalnik commented 10 years ago

@skalnik They threw tantrums because their loved ones bodies were stuck outside when the siege happened.

A LIKELY STORY. They were probably just driven mad by the murder of their amazing leader, Skalnik II.

drobati commented 10 years ago

Also the base is overrun. I tried making a squad of ten dwarves but they couldn't do anything against the goblins. I have to abandon and reclaim the fort I think.

drobati commented 10 years ago

I didn't murder him. I eliminated a threat to the community.

skalnik commented 10 years ago

Also the base is overrun. I tried making a squad of ten dwarves but they couldn't do anything against the goblins. I have to abandon and reclaim the fort I think.

All I'm saying is you should try as hard as possible. Use my saving of the fort as inspiration.

drobati commented 10 years ago

I'll see what I can do.

skalnik commented 10 years ago

I'll see what I can do.

Do it for Birdclasps. We believe in you!

drobati commented 10 years ago

Losing 40 dwarves is pretty heartbreaking. :broken_heart:

I'll do it in their honor.

skalnik commented 10 years ago

You're the leader we need.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

I think I should abandon this fort


sshirokov commented 10 years ago



sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Can we get a z status up in this?

skalnik commented 10 years ago

Just a heads up: You have a week to reclaim the fort and play a year.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Update: No update: Please update?

skalnik commented 10 years ago


drobati commented 10 years ago

No updates. Couldn't find time to work on this.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

LifeHack :tm:

You can quit your, or any job to play Dwarf Fortress

skalnik commented 10 years ago

No updates. Couldn't find time to work on this.

I found some time for you :clock1:

drobati commented 10 years ago

I'll see if I can cut out some time tonight.

drobati commented 10 years ago

I know this was an unpopular move with you two but FUCK reclaiming items. Literally every item in the base was spaced out 2 blocks apart in a grid covering the ENTIRE map. That means even the outside...

drobati commented 10 years ago

So between having a half army, half citizen embark. I just decided it wasn't for me.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Yeah, re-embark is definitely not how this works :|

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

I know this was an unpopular move with you two but FUCK reclaiming items.

then don't? Make new shit.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Yeah, re-embark is definitely not how this works :|

In re-consideration: I don't care. Roll how you will. :+1: I'll give a shit if it comes back around to my turn.


sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Having an opinion is too hard, is what I'm getting at. Do whatever's fun and I'll see what happens as a result.


drobati commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the apology. I may reconsider after some sleep.

sshirokov commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the apology. I may reconsider after some sleep.

Yeah, I'm a bit bad at taking things too seriously too fast for no reason :crying_cat_face:

If you keep rolling (which you should), go ahead and merge this and open a new PR for the new fort so it's easier to follow for the rest of y.127 (Though change the name in the header of Roadclapped/, since it's still the same)
