sshnet / SSH.NET

SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism.
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SftpClient: how to resume upload/download? I.e. process SFTP command 'reput' & 'reget' #1391

Open sensboston opened 1 month ago

sensboston commented 1 month ago

Does SftpClient supports upload/download resume options, i.e. defined by SFTP protocol specifications commands reput & reget? I need to upload really huge files (from 2GB to 20GB) and these features will be extremely useful. Can anyone suggest a solution? Thank you!

Rob-Hague commented 1 month ago

I don't think there is anything like that in the library already. I think the closest thing currently is #864

sensboston commented 1 month ago

@Rob-Hague, yes, it looks like exactly what I need but PR isn't merged yet 😢

Also, do you know: is it possible to get the uploaded file MD5 checksum from the remote host?