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VBUS: Questions and Warning regarding Resol Deltasol CS Plus #47

Closed Gloomyeye closed 1 year ago

Gloomyeye commented 1 year ago


I installed the VBUS controller for my Resol Deltasol CS Plus regarding to this feature-request: So far, the new device/config is working. But I have the following questions:

I get the following warning in my home assistant log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: components/sensor/
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8. Januar 2023 um 14:49:47 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8. Januar 2023 um 14:49:47

Entity sensor.hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_r1_flow_rate (<class 'homeassistant.components.esphome.sensor.EsphomeSensor'>) is using native unit of measurement 'L/h' which is not a valid unit for the device class ('water') it is using; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise create a bug report at

It is correct that the water device class is used for the flow_rate sensor? Theoretically, it should be a device class like "water_speed" (this is not given).

The error sensors will not be exposed to Home Assistant. Is my config for model "Deltasol CS Plus" correct? In ESPHome is sensors are defined.

In addition, the sensor "heat_quantity" shows only a 0 value. Is that normal or there should be value? My installation is the same as "Anlage 1: Standard-Solaranlage" of the manual from page 10.

This is my config:

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: vbus
    components: [ vbus ]
    refresh: 1min

  id: resol
  rx_pin: GPIO20
  baud_rate: 9600

  uart_id: resol

  - platform: vbus
    model: deltasol_cs_plus
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_kol_temperature #KOL
      name: "${friendly_name} Kollektor Temperatur"
      device_class: "temperature"
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      accuracy_decimals: 1
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_tsp_temperature #TSP
      name: "${friendly_name} Speicher Temperatur"
      device_class: "temperature"
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      accuracy_decimals: 1
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_r1_flow_rate
      name: "${friendly_name} Relais Drehzahl" #R1
      #unit_of_measurement: "l/h"
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_heat_quantity
      name: "${friendly_name} Wärmemenge" #Heat Quantity
      state_class: measurement
      #unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_r1_operating_hours
      name: "${friendly_name} Relais Betriebsstunden" #Operating Hours
      device_class: "duration"
      unit_of_measurement: "h"
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_pump_speed
      name: "${friendly_name} Pumpgeschwindigkeit" #Pump Speed 1
      #unit_of_measurement: "%"
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_device_time
      name: "${friendly_name} Gerätezeit" #Device Time
      entity_category: diagnostic
      disabled_by_default: true

  - platform: vbus
    model: deltasol_cs_plus
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_sensor1_error
      name: "${friendly_name} Sensor 1 Fehler" #Sensor 1 Error
      entity_category: diagnostic
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_sensor2_error
      name: "${friendly_name} Sensor 2 Fehler" #Sensor 2 Error
      entity_category: diagnostic

Thank you!

ssieb commented 1 year ago

You're adding a lot of extra parameters to the sensors. Most of that is already defined in the component. If you don't like that warning from HA about the unit, then configure a different unit. You could file an issue on HA to add that class and units. The binary sensor won't show up by default because they are diagnostic category. You have to add them.

Gloomyeye commented 1 year ago

I checked the two files of the vbus component and reduced my config with no extra information. This is my new config:

  - platform: vbus
    model: deltasol_cs_plus
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_kol_temperature #KOL
      name: "${friendly_name} Kollektor Temperatur"
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_tsp_temperature #TSP
      name: "${friendly_name} Speicher Temperatur"
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_r1_flow_rate
      name: "${friendly_name} Relais Drehzahl" #R1
      device_class: ""
      icon: mdi:cog
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_heat_quantity
      name: "${friendly_name} Wärmemenge" #Heat Quantity
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_r1_operating_hours
      name: "${friendly_name} Relais Betriebsstunden" #Operating Hours
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_pump_speed
      name: "${friendly_name} Pumpgeschwindigkeit" #Pump Speed 1
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_device_time
      name: "${friendly_name} Gerätezeit" #Device Time
      disabled_by_default: true
    #  id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_device_firmware_version
    #  name: "${friendly_name} Geräte Firmware Version" #Device firmware version
    #  icon: "mdi:package"

  - platform: vbus
    model: deltasol_cs_plus
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_sensor1_error
      name: "${friendly_name} Sensor 1 Fehler" #Sensor 1 Error
      id: hwr_sensor_deltasol_sc_sensor2_error
      name: "${friendly_name} Sensor 2 Fehler" #Sensor 2 Error

I added an icon and an empty device class to the flow rate sensor. Currently, the water device class for the flow rate sensor is wrong. Maybe you can change this in the coding.

I found a copy&paste failure in line 234 binary_sensor/ . This should be "CONF_DELTASOL_CS_PLUS". Therefore, no error sensors will be created in my config. I can not add them manually. They do not show up in home assistant.

What do you think?

ssieb commented 1 year ago

What do you think the class for the flow rate should be?

I fixed the binary sensor.

Gloomyeye commented 1 year ago

Thanks for fixing. Now, the error sensors for my model show up in home assistant :-)

From my point of view, there should not be added a device class (or empty device class) to the flow rate sensor because so far no device class is suitable: A new device class for L/h needs to be added to home assistant. It should be like wind_speed.

ssieb commented 1 year ago

ok, it's removed.