ssirai / reading

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Haskell reading list #2

Open ssirai opened 9 years ago

ssirai commented 9 years ago

A Haskell Reading List

A Haskell Implementation Reading List

Papers every haskeller should read : haskell

Research papers/Functional pearls - HaskellWiki


HART2013 papers : haskell


Simon Peyton Jones - Microsoft Research

ssirai commented 9 years ago

Template Meta-programming for Haskel

Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure

When Maybe is not good enough

The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes

True Sums of Products

Tackling the Awkward Squad: monadic input/output, concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-language calls in Haskell

Haskell is not not ML

Monadic Parser Combinators

ssirai commented 9 years ago


Category Theory Applied to Functional Programming - cain.pdf

The Monad.Reader Issue 13

ssirai commented 9 years ago

Nikola: Embedding Compiled GPU Functions in Haskell

Type-Safe Observable Sharing in Haskell

ssirai commented 9 years ago

Haskell Programming

ssirai commented 9 years ago

Categorical semantics for arrows

Generalized Arrows

What is a Categorical Model of Arrows?

Arrows are Strong Monads

Arrows, like Monads, are Monoids

Freyd is Kleisli, for Arrow (slides)

ssirai commented 8 years ago

Mailing list (archive)

IRC (archive)