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Car Racing Game #219

Open singh-anushka opened 1 year ago

singh-anushka commented 1 year ago

It is a 2D racing game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It sets up event listeners for keyboard input, initializes game variables and objects, and updates the game state in a loop. The game involves driving a car on a road, avoiding obstacles and other cars, and trying to complete laps as quickly as possible. The code also includes functionality for displaying a high score table and playing sound effects.

The code sets the background colour, font family, and height of the body. It also defines the styles for the top UI elements such as the time, score, and lap counters. Additionally, it sets the styles for the tachometer at the bottom of the screen.

It has all the styles for a game interface, including the positioning and appearance of various elements such as the road, hero character, clouds, and high score display. It also includes animations for blinking text and transitions for opacity and timing.

I am a GSSoC23 contributor. Kindly assign me this issue. @Shreyaar12 @cleveranu @Dharmesh177 @artimanputra

artimanputra commented 1 year ago

assigned to @singh-anushka Complete this within 5-6 days and Include a screenshot or deploy link to assess your project and thereafter include your project in the main code with the following guidelines.