ssj-delta-cu / ssj-overview

Delta Service Area Boundaries and Associated data
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Land Use Classes and Totals #32

Closed josue-medellin closed 7 years ago

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

We need to double check LU classes and totals. Table 1 of land use and numbers in text. Summation in table 1 does not work.

Alfalfa* 80,201 Almonds* 5,210 Bush Berries* 1,186 Cherries* 2,069 Citrus* 8 Corn* 91,833 Cucurbit* 3,923 Olives* 1,451 Other Deciduous* 7,713 Pasture* 48,062 Pears* 5,947 Pistachios* 148 Potatoes* 4,144 Rice* 7,637 Semi-agricultural/ROW(?)* 48,523 Tomatoes* 36,290 Truck Crops* 9,547 Turf* 2,175 Upland Herbaceous* 54,344 Vineyards* 36,930 Walnuts* 3,474 Total Irrigated Acres 450,815

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

@qjhart @andybell @nickrsan @jrmerz Good morning, who can help me follow up on this? Will it be Nick Justin, Quinn or others?

nickrsan commented 7 years ago

Hi Josue, As of now, I'm overbooked until next month when I can start coming online with this project in earnest. Still trying to get up to speed to understand METRIC, etc so I can be of more assistance here. Also, @andybell is out for at least another week for his honeymoon, so can't help in the immediate term, at least.

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

Understood. @qjhart @jrmerz ? Let me know how can I access this in google earth engine to crosscheck. Kind regards, Josue

jrmerz commented 7 years ago

@josue-medellin I'm happy to help, but I come with startup cost :( I have a 45min introduction to the current Earth Engine code base, mostly in regards to the ERDAS work Nadya is doing. So I will need to be brought up to speed.

As for sharing the code, I only have writer permission, it doesn't let me share it. Looks like @qjhart has to do that.

nickrsan commented 7 years ago

@josue-medellin Just to add to what Justin's saying, I have a similar time-cost on starting up should I work on this project at any point. I'm pretty familiar with Earth Engine itself (but not the extensive experience that Quinn and Andy have still), but I'll definitely be slow on any work until up to speed.

I'm also running into a similar issue as Justin mentioned about permissions - working to resolve that in another ticket.

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

@qjhart please unlock the appropriate permits. @jrmerz I dont need to access code myself just be able to recreate tables or see underlying calculations.

qjhart commented 7 years ago

@josue-medellin here are statistics directly from the landuse dataset: I'll give them by level_1 and level_2. First the total acres (according to landuse) = 752171 acres. This is the total reported from land IQ. Of that we have:

level_1 acres
Citrus/Subtropical 1590
Field Crops 102004
Idle 55260
Native 91475
Native Riparian 27898
Other Deciduous 26105
Pasture 143834
Rice 8302
Semi-agricultural 52161
Truck Crops 57564
Urban 83583
Vineyards 38608
Water 63786
level_1 level_2 acres
Pasture Alfalfa 81051
Other Deciduous Almonds 5798
Truck Crops Bush Berries 1198
Other Deciduous Cherries 2090
Citrus/Subtropical Citrus 8
Field Crops Corn 95355
Truck Crops Cucurbit 4200
Idle Fallow 55260
Native Riparian Floating Vegetation 3585
Pasture Forage Grass 6562
Citrus/Subtropical Olives 1582
Other Deciduous Other Deciduous 8450
Pasture Pasture 54061
Other Deciduous Pears 5950
Other Deciduous Pistachios 150
Truck Crops Potatoes 4115
Rice Rice 8302
Native Riparian Riparian 24313
Field Crops Safflower 5922
Semi-agricultural Semi-agricultural/ROW 52161
Field Crops Sunflower 728
Truck Crops Tomatoes 37744
Truck Crops Truck Crops 10308
Pasture Turf 2160
Native Upland Herbaceous 62934
Urban Urban 83583
Vineyards Vineyards 38608
Other Deciduous Walnuts 3667
Water Water 63786
Native Wet herbaceous/sub irrigated pasture 28541
josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

@koolwill take a look at this versus text and comments

koolwill commented 7 years ago

@josue-medellin Just to be clear, do you want me to update table 1 with these new values?

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

Yes. Also check areas in paragraph. write comments when is not clear. thanks. josue

koolwill commented 7 years ago

@josue-medellin I've added changes to table 1 and comments in the draft.

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

we are using the word document

andybell commented 7 years ago

Two thoughts about this:

  1. The counts in the table above from Land IQ are not limited to the Delta Service Area. The landuse raster has a slightly larger extent than the service area.
  2. The counts for the landuse that were done in EE for the DSA and subregions ( were calculated using a reducer. Maybe this added some error to the sums?
josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

@andybell We are reporting two levels. DSA and legal Delta, I am assuming that withe the exception of the DETAW and CalSIMETAW all methods report for the Legal Delta using Land IQ database. Please help me fix inconsistencies in the word document tables and the overall calculation. I'll share the main report document in an email. THis is an important issue to correct.

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

@andybell did you check Quinn calculations above? @qjhart Help us on this please.

josue-medellin commented 7 years ago

@andybell Andy, would you please produce a Level 1 and level 2 summaries for: 1) Full LU survey extent 2) Legal Delta, and 3) Delta Service Area? If we have a map with boundaries would be a plus, otherwise I can use Figure 1. Thnaks,