ssj-delta-cu / ssj-overview

Delta Service Area Boundaries and Associated data
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Meeting 2015-11-03 #6

Closed josue-medellin closed 8 years ago

josue-medellin commented 8 years ago

Nadya, Andy, Quinn, me, Yufang, Jay

Agenda: 1) Revise protocol. No revisions made mostly definine whether ITRC will participate or not. 2) Repositories. This is on progress people has access to it as is public. 3) Progress UC Davis methods. UC Davis METRIC and Yufang Jin method for estimating ET rely on a thermal image raster. 4) Meeting on 11/19. Think in 10-15 slides to present from the UC Davis project overview and progress so far. 5) Report Outline. Prepare an fleshed outline of the report to bring to 11/19 meeting at waterboards

ANDDY WONG Working on protocol land user temperature needed, trying to. Quinn we needed to standarize, land surface model.?? Last meeting. Quinn, will replicate metric sharpening in earth engine.

Goal, put some of METRIC algorithms into Earth Engine. TO DO: ---> Forrest crop layer. Josue will ask. --> Check with Michael funding including ITRC participation. Josue will ask --> As Tariq about DETAW estimation. Need input from Nadya on protocol. --> Quinn Hart will