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Investigate Changes to CalSIMETAW estimates based on different crop calendars #8

Closed qjhart closed 8 years ago

qjhart commented 8 years ago

From Nadya.... I wanted to ask you a question about cropping dates - Since Michael George is interested in modeling the full water year, the remote sensing groups were talking about including planting and harvesting dates with the analysis. We wanted to be able to look at how the algorithms perform in the dry versus rainy season, but also relative to the crop cycle. Do you have any recommendations on where I should start if I wanted to put together some rough cropping calendars for the Delta?

From Michelle.. I’m attaching a document that was produced by emeritus farm advisors here in San Joaquin County. I am noticing some things on it that I would like to revise. I think some of the windows could be shifted or widened, but this will give you a rough guide. This winter, I will work on revising this, but this should get you started.

Delta Crops Calendar.pdf

qjhart commented 8 years ago

Moved to ssj-calsimetaw