ssj71 / rkrlv2

Rakarrack Effects Ported to LV2 Plugins
GNU General Public License v2.0
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latence #9

Open rcspam opened 8 years ago

rcspam commented 8 years ago

hi ss71,

I have try to set some rakarrack bank preset with rkrlv2 & guitarix But latency is very high. You can download here my first tries (Succulent Clean, EboWeboAmiYeebo, D Flange). Why a latency so high, especially with "D Flange" ?

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure why this is. I notice on D Flange it has reverb and echoverse, so its possible that its just delayed from the settings of these effects. Have you tried bypassing each one to see if the latency is caused by some particular effect?

I'll try to test this when I can.

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

Reverb has an initial delay parameter, if you set this to 0 does the latency change?

rcspam commented 8 years ago

No change, the setup is the same as rakkarack !! I think, i hope it's right, in rakarrack a part of the signal doen't pass by the effects, it is not the case in guitarix, all the signal pass by the effects. It's not latency, it is just a way to run ?!

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

ah! you are right. If you set the fx % to 100 in rakarrack does it have the same latency?

rcspam commented 8 years ago

No, 100% Fx in rkrk let pass a part without latency !!

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

did you try bypassing each effect one at a time to see if 1 particular effect is causing the latency?

rcspam commented 8 years ago

I don't think to a pb of latency, it is sound like D_Flanger (rkrlv2 one) miss something of the original signal (the only thing we can hear is the delay without the no-delay-signal). The supposed latency which i wrotein the start of the topic is in fact, the normal delay of 'rkr echoverse' and 'rkr reverb'

rcspam commented 8 years ago

In rakarrack, D Flanger preset has the delay signal + the no-delay-signa, that why i have believe in a latency problem

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

ok. so there's not a latency problem, its just that rakarrack sends part of the dry signal through a separate chain. right?

This would also alter the sound of the overall effect in D Flange since the comb filtering would be different without dry mixed in.

rcspam commented 8 years ago

Can you confirm that with test and look at the rakarrck code?

rcspam commented 8 years ago

Perhaps also, the wet/dry function bug ?!

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

I'm at work. can't properly test till tonight. Honestly I'm a little confused what the exact issue is. I'll try it out though.

rcspam commented 8 years ago

What's the news ;)

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

sorry, I've been busy with infamous plugins and haven't gotten to this yet. Keep asking so it stays on my radar :)

rcspam commented 8 years ago

Radr impulse !! ;)

brummer10 commented 8 years ago

As a workaround in guitarix you could use the wet/dry box for plugins (Detail view). (guitarix-git import now the LV2-plgin-presets, so the rkrlv2 presets be available in guitarix now, I guess that could help to recreate the rakarrack presets in guitarix.)

ssj71 commented 8 years ago

@rcspam I finally got around to at least working on this a little. I found some uninitialized variables in the dual flange class. Not sure that will fix your issue, but I just wanted to let you know I'm working on it :)