sskodje / ScreenRecorderLib

A .NET library for screen recording in Windows, using native Microsoft Media Foundation for realtime encoding to h264 video or PNG images.
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Cursor not recorded properly when using "SourceRect" #260

Closed k1mmm closed 1 year ago

k1mmm commented 1 year ago


Cursor recording is not positioned correctly when cropping the output. I'm trying to record a part of the screen and then check if the output size is larger than allowed, and if so i scale it down. I'm using a 4k screen with 150% zoom, so I'm also calculating the pixels * DPI.

The cropping works perfectly, but the cursors position is off by allot. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. OutputOptions = new OutputOptions { OutputFrameSize = outputFrameSize, SourceRect = new ScreenRect(x, y, width, height), },

And here's the full code if it helps =)

        public void StartRecording(int x, int y, int width, int height, string quality = "high")
            Debug.WriteLine("Quality: " + quality);
            if (isRecording)
                // stop recording

            this._x = x;
            this._y = y;
            this._width = width;
            this._height = height;


            DpiHelper.GetDpiForCurrentScreen(out double dpiX, out double dpiY);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Retrieved DPI - dpiX: {dpiX}, dpiY: {dpiY}");

            // Convert WPF's device-independent units to screen units

            x = (int)(x * dpiX / 96.0);
            y = (int)(y * dpiY / 96.0);
            width = (int)(width * dpiX / 96.0);
            height = (int)(height * dpiY / 96.0);

            Dictionary<string, string> paths = System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Paths"] as Dictionary<string, string>;
            int bitrate = GetBitRate(width, height);
            ScreenSize outputFrameSize = GetOutputFrameSize(width, height, quality);

            isRecording = true;

            RecorderOptions recoderOptions = new RecorderOptions
                VideoEncoderOptions = new VideoEncoderOptions
                    Framerate = 60,
                    Bitrate = bitrate,
                OutputOptions = new OutputOptions
                    OutputFrameSize = outputFrameSize,
                    SourceRect = new ScreenRect(x, y, width, height),
                MouseOptions = new MouseOptions
                    IsMousePointerEnabled = true,

            recorder = Recorder.CreateRecorder(recoderOptions);
            recorder.OnRecordingComplete += Recorder_OnRecordingComplete;
            recorder.OnRecordingFailed += Recorder_OnRecordingFailed;
            recorder.OnStatusChanged += Recorder_OnStatusChanged;
            //Record to a file
            string videoPath = paths["video"];

            Debug.WriteLine("Recording started " + paths["video"]);

        private ScreenSize GetOutputFrameSize(int width, int height, string quality)
            ScreenSize maxResolution = GetMaxResolutionForQuality(quality);

            double aspectRatio = (double)width / height;
            double maxAspectRatio = (double)maxResolution.Width / maxResolution.Height;

            int newWidth, newHeight;

            if (aspectRatio > maxAspectRatio)
                newWidth = (int)maxResolution.Width;
                newHeight = (int)(newWidth / aspectRatio);
                newHeight = (int)maxResolution.Height;
                newWidth = (int)(newHeight * aspectRatio);

            // Return the new ScreenSize object with the scaled dimensions
            return new ScreenSize(newWidth, newHeight);

        private ScreenSize GetMaxResolutionForQuality(string quality)
            switch (quality.ToLower())
                case "low":
                    return new ScreenSize(1280, 720);
                case "medium":
                    return new ScreenSize(1920, 1080);
                case "high":
                    return new ScreenSize(2560, 1440);
                case "ultra":
                    return new ScreenSize(3840, 2160);
                    // Default to medium quality if the input string doesn't match any of the predefined qualities
                    return new ScreenSize(1920, 1080);
k1mmm commented 1 year ago

The cursor do not scale properly either, I'm using a 4k screen with 150% scale, and the cursor is as small as with no scaling.

sskodje commented 1 year ago

I'll look into it :)

k1mmm commented 1 year ago

I'll look into it :)

Thank you, I really appreciate it! =)

sskodje commented 1 year ago

I pushed a fix i believe will fix this issue, and also made a new version. Let me know if there's still any issues :)

k1mmm commented 1 year ago

I pushed a fix i believe will fix this issue, and also made a new version. Let me know if there's still any issues :)

It works beautifully! Thanks allot!