ssl-hep / ServiceX_frontend

Client access library for ServiceX
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Naming convention on 3.0 client library #362

Open kyungeonchoi opened 1 month ago

kyungeonchoi commented 1 month ago


Straightforward and intuitive names for newcomers (especially w/o backend knowledge).

Names for discussion

  1. Codegen
    • We might want to choose what we want to expose to normal users between codegen and transformer. It can be quite confusing since we often mention different types of transformers
  2. Codegen name uproot
    • There are python, uproot-raw and uproot for uproot transformer. uproot codegen should be something like uproot-funcadl. And maybe uproot-python for consistency
  3. SignedURLs
    • More self-explanatory name?
  4. root-file as OutputFormat
    • -file only exists for root format
    • It might be good to change to root-tree as we will add root-rntuple(?) in the future
  5. else?
BenGalewsky commented 1 month ago

We've agreed that we won't make back-end changes for these, so the unfortunate root-file value will have to be translated in the client

kyungeonchoi commented 1 month ago

We've agreed that we won't make back-end changes for these, so the unfortunate root-file value will have to be translated in the client

Yeah - that would be okay. We can easily expose different value than root-file to users.