sslcommerz / SSLCommerz-Laravel

SSLCOMMERZ is a bangladeshi payment gateway provider. This is Laravel Library for SSLCOMMERZ.
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returning from SSL to my project, destroyong the session #38

Closed momit-litu closed 3 years ago

momit-litu commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thank you for you code. I was trying to implement the code into my laravel project, i have been able to successfull payment. but the problem is when i redirect back to my success/fail route i found no session remains.

i had tried to sent the cookies through header . but that didnt worked either. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Cookie: laravel_session={$_COOKIE['laravel_session']}"));

any suggestion? thank you

rkbi commented 3 years ago

zhasan0 commented 2 years ago

@momit-litu did you fix it brother?

'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', false), 'same_site' => null,

I made above configuration. But not working.

If I set this same_site' => "none" Then I can't login

zhasan0 commented 2 years ago

Solution for laravel 8- config/session.php

'secure' => true, 'same_site' => 'none'


ali-azgar-rakib commented 1 year ago

Solution for laravel 8- config/session.php

'secure' => true, 'same_site' => 'none'


Laravel 10 . Not working for me

AfzalSabbir commented 1 year ago

Solution for laravel 8- config/session.php 'secure' => true, 'same_site' => 'none' Thanks

Laravel 10 . Not working for me

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