ssllabs / ssllabs-scan

A command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs, designed for automated and/or bulk testing.
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Rename to ssllabs-api-docs-v3.mdi #929

Open Akmalsaiful opened 1 year ago

Akmalsaiful commented 1 year ago

SSL Labs API v3 Documentation v1.35.x (work in progress)

Last update: 30 May 2019
Author: Ivan Ristic

This document explains the SSL Labs Assessment APIs, which can be used to test SSL servers available on the public Internet.

Protocol Overview

The protocol is based on HTTP and JSON. All invocations of the API should use the GET method and specify the parameters in the query string, as documented below. The results will be returned in the response body as a JSON payload. In essence, the client submits an assessment requests to the servers. If an acceptable report is already available, it's received straight away. Otherwise, the server will start a new assessment and the client should periodically check to see if the job is complete.

Terms and Conditions

SSL Labs APIs are provided free of charge, subject to our terms and conditions: The spirit of the license is that the APIs are made available so that system operators can test their own infrastructure. Please read the actual terms and conditions, which are more involved and cover things such as integrating with open source projects, and so on. For example, it's important (for reasons of privacy, compliance, etc) for end users to understand that assessments are carried out by Qualys's servers, not locally.

Commercial use is generally not allowed, except with an explicit permission from Qualys. That said, we're usually happy to support good causes, even uses by commercial organizations that help improve the security of their customers. If you're a CA, CDN, hosting company, domain name registrar, we're happy for you to use our APIs (but you still have to get in touch with us before you begin).

Protocol Calls

This section documents the available protocol calls. The main API entry point is "". If you want to check the API availability from a browser, invoke "". There is also an additional API entry point that can be used to test features that have not yet been deployed to production: "". You should expect that this second entry point is not consistently available. Further it offers only reduced assessment limits in comparison with the production version.

Check SSL Labs availability

This call should be used to check the availability of the SSL Labs servers, retrieve the engine and criteria version, and initialize the maximum number of concurrent assessments. Returns one Info object on success.

API Call: info


Invoke assessment and check progress

This call is used to initiate an assessment, or to retrieve the status of an assessment in progress or in the cache. It will return a single Host object on success. The Endpoint object embedded in the Host object will provide partial endpoint results. Please note that assessments of individual endpoints can fail even when the overall assessment is successful (e.g., one server might be down). At this time, you can determine the success of an endpoint assessment by checking the statusMessage field; it should contain "Ready".

API Call: analyze



Retrieve detailed endpoint information

This call is used to retrieve detailed endpoint information. It will return a single Endpoint object on success. The object will contain complete assessment information. This API call does not initiate new assessments, even when a cached report is not found.

API Call: getEndpointData



Retrieve known status codes

This call will return one StatusCodes instance.

API Call: getStatusCodes


Retrieve root certificates

This call returns the latest root certificates(Mozilla, Apple MacOS, Android, Java and Windows) used for trust validation.

API Call: getRootCertsRaw



Protocol Usage

When you want to obtain fresh test results for a particular host:

  1. Invoke analyze with the startNew parameter to on. Set all to done.
  2. The assessment is now in progress. Call analyze periodically (without the startNew parameter!) until the assessment is finished. You can tell by observing the Host.status field for either READY or ERROR values.
  3. When there are multiple servers behind one hostname, they will be tested one at a time.
  4. During the assessment, interim responses will contain only endpoint status, but not full information.
  5. At the end of the assessment, the response will contain all available information; no further API calls will need to be made for that host.

When you're happy to receive cached information (e.g., in a browser add-on):

  1. Invoke analyze with fromCache set to on and all set to done.
  2. Set maxAge to control the maximum age of the cached report. If you don't set this parameter, your IP address will not be forwarded to the tested server.
  3. If the information you requested is available in the cache, it will be returned straight away.
  4. Otherwise, a new assessment will be started.
  5. You can continue to call analyze periodically until the assessment is complete.

Error Reporting

When an API call is incorrectly invoked, it will cause an error response to be sent back. The response will include an array of error messages. For example:


The field value references the API parameter name that has an incorrect value. The message value will tell you what the issue is. It is also possible to receive errors without the field parameter set; such messages will usually refer to the request as a whole.

Error Response Status Codes

The following status codes are used:

A well-written client should never get a 429 response. If you do get one, it means that you're either submitting new assessments at a rate that is too fast, or that you're not correctly tracking how many concurrent requests you're allowed to have. If you get a 503 or 529 status code, you should sleep for several minutes (e.g., 15 and 30 minutes, respectively) then try again. It's best to randomize the delay, especially if you're writing a client tool -- you don't want everyone to retry exactly at the same time. If you get 500, it means that there's a severe problem with the SSL Labs application itself. A sensible approach would be to mark that one assessment as flawed, but to continue on. However, if you continue to receive 500 responses, it's best to give up.

Access Rate and Rate Limiting

Please note the following:

We may limit your usage of the API, by enforcing a limit on concurrent assessments, and the overall number of assessments performed in a time period. If that happens, we will respond with 429 (Too Many Requests) to API calls that wish to initiate new assessments. Your ability to follow previously initiated assessments, or retrieve assessment results from the cache, will not be impacted. If you receive a 429 response, reduce the number of concurrent assessments and check that you're not submitting new assessments at a rate higher than allowed.

If the server is overloaded (a condition that is not a result of the client's behaviour), the 529 status code will be used instead. This is not a situation we wish to be in. If you encounter it, take a break and come back later.

All successful API calls contain response headers X-Max-Assessments and X-Current-Assessments. They can be used to calculate how many new assessments can be submitted. It is recommended that clients update their internal state after each complete response.

Protocol Evolution

The API is versioned. New versions of the API will be introduced whenever incompatible changes need to be made to the protocol. When a new version becomes available, existing applications can continue to use the previous version for as long as it is supported.

To reduce version number inflation, new fields may be added to the results without a change in protocol version number.

Response Objects

The remainder of the document explains the structure of the returned objects. The following conventions are used:


















The HstsPreload object contains preload HSTS status of one source for the current hostname. Preload checks are done for the current hostname, not for a domain name. For example, a hostname "" tested in SSL Labs would come back as "present" if there is an entry for "" with includeSubDomains enabled or if there is an explicit entry for "".









rajiv commented 8 months ago

What is the purpose of this pull request?