I wrote a "graphics" demo to show off the true potential of Unicode and colors in Linux terminals. I used tinyraytracer (and tinyraycaster) to provide some 3D graphics.
The demo itself is written in Perl and uses Inline::CPP to integrate the C++ code.
The official release post explains how this works (also follow the backlinks to my past posts to get more details and how this all evolved): https://perlmonks.org/?node_id=11157774
I wrote a "graphics" demo to show off the true potential of Unicode and colors in Linux terminals. I used tinyraytracer (and tinyraycaster) to provide some 3D graphics.
Video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWcuI2SXA-A
Source code repo (mercurial): https://cavac.at/public/mercurial/demos/terminalvelocity/
The demo itself is written in Perl and uses Inline::CPP to integrate the C++ code.
The official release post explains how this works (also follow the backlinks to my past posts to get more details and how this all evolved): https://perlmonks.org/?node_id=11157774