k3os YAML configuration will eventually require the injection of sensitive information (k3os/k3s token, etc). Need a way to supply these in a gitops manner. A few options.
Move all the sensitive matchbox config into secrets, managed by SealedSecrets. However, would be nice to keep most of the configuration publically available for use.
SealedSecrents of just the sensitive parts, then an init container that does a quick sed to search/replace those values in the configmap. Handles single values ok, but not heirarchial values as well...
SealedSecrets of the sensitive information, and use an init container that leverages yq to merge files. Or for json, use jq with the "-s / slupt" option
k3os YAML configuration will eventually require the injection of sensitive information (k3os/k3s token, etc). Need a way to supply these in a gitops manner. A few options.