ssokolow / nodo

Pre-emptively created repository so the design can be discussed on the issue tracker before commits are made (repo name may change)
Apache License 2.0
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Similar projects #9

Open NobodyXu opened 1 year ago

NobodyXu commented 1 year ago

When browsing reddit, I notice a similar project insanitybit/cargo-sandbox, which is intended to be a sandbox for cargo itself and its extensions (the author claims it can support external subcommands like cargo-pgx).

ssokolow commented 1 year ago

Now that you mention it, I remember that. I believe I had a bit of a chat with insanitybit about it over on reddit. I considered it unsuitable for my needs because the thing I want to sandbox most is NPM, not Cargo, so the goals were divergent.

It also uses Docker containers when "Docker is not a sandbox" is a common refrain, while Firejail is specifically intended for sandboxing. Yeah, they address that in the FAQ... but I still find it preferable to use a tool that's been intended for the purpose since the beginning.

EDIT: Probably a good idea for me to add a comparison section to the README though.