ssolovey / ecp

ECP - Ecommerce project based on Magento
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new layout for pricing and availability #321

Closed ssolovey closed 8 years ago

ssolovey commented 9 years ago

Please use layout below. It is approximate layout, don't copy fonts and colors exactly. Better reuse existing but change just layout. Zip field and Go button have the same styling but in the bottom of this box. "* Core value is deferred" - just static text with smaller fonts, no logic here.


SkyLark commented 9 years ago

Question about Total price.

According to calculations that I see in code the total price is calculated by the following way - shippingPrice + fluidPrice + partPrice + corePrice + tax_amount

So, as we don't have the tax and fluid fields visible it could be confusing why we have that total price

Or the total Price here calculated differently?

SkyLark commented 9 years ago

Layout was changed. Only total price calculation should be added.

ssolovey commented 9 years ago

I've sent question to customer

ssolovey commented 9 years ago

feedback from customer: Fluid and Tax amount should always be calculated and displayed if applied.

Please use zip from Shipping estimation input to calculate taxes. But it is only for product page. On Order page we should use zip from order page.

SkyLark commented 8 years ago

_On Order page we should use zip from order page._ We don't have such feature. It's a separate task.

How it should look like? The total price is recalculated on FORM Submit or it should be on the fly?

ssolovey commented 8 years ago

It should be on the fly: user put zip code and in the bottom of the page we should show taxes. It is not new, it is what was always there. Field for taxes was always there, maybe it is not implemented yet but it should be. Otherwise there is no sense to have this field on the page.

screen shot 2015-07-15 at 22 04 22

The taxes are applied only in case zip code is from Wisconsin state. Percentages for taxes are here:

file ziptax.xls

I'm not sure but I think Artem already imported it in some custom table in our DB.

SkyLark commented 8 years ago

The Tax feature is implememented and in case of Wisconsin state zip the tax value is added to the total price in Order page.

@ssolovey : Question about zip value chang in Order Page.

If we change the zip value we need to recalculate the Shipping. How this feature should be designed? I suppose we need to add some button for recalculation for Shipping and Tax? Could you please clarify this issue?

I propose to disable zip code change in Order Page or propose to go to the previous screen for shipping recalculation. Maybe some popup?

ssolovey commented 8 years ago

I asked the customer. Let's keep it as is for now.

ssolovey commented 8 years ago

CUSTOMER: It would be my preference if user shipping estimate and tax information are refreshed within the same order form. However keep in mind that change in Ship To zip code could lead to different ship from warehouse, delivery time and possible availability of the selected product.

SERGEY: Can we do this? Is it big efforts?

SkyLark commented 8 years ago

We could recalculate shipping in Order page also. We need to define the requirenment how it should look like.


additional button could appear when the user start changing the zip code. image

If user submits new zip code value the shipping estimation preloader could be displayed image

When the values are recalculated preloader removed.

If we take the proposed example I think that 2 - 2.5 h should be enough for this task.

ssolovey commented 8 years ago

sounds good. Maybe to run recalculation as soon as zip code is changed.

I'll ask confirmation from customer. Please do not change anything right now.

ssolovey commented 8 years ago


  1. User changes ZIP code
  2. We should stay on the same page but shipping preloaded would popup (NO button but automatically on change)
  3. As soon as info is loaded, preloaded is closed and corresponding fields are updated in order form

I think it should be enough. Right?

SkyLark commented 8 years ago

As for me it's not a good idea to show automatically estimation popup. I would propose to show the "Shipping reestimation button" when user changed the ZIP value. It would be more user friendly to let the user decide to change the zip code by accepting the Shipping reestimation button

ssolovey commented 8 years ago

That's requirement by customer. They don't want button ...

Let it to be their problem not ours. We already proposed button, they rejected. That's their problem

SkyLark commented 8 years ago

New layout and pricing availablity was already implemented. For Ship recaluculation in order page please reference this issue -