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Update `setup kubefirst` to include summary table of changes & branches #64

Open alechp opened 2 weeks ago

alechp commented 2 weeks ago

Here's current output when checking out feat-custom-repo:

Created .env file for Console.
Checked out feat-custom-repo branch for Kubefirst API
Please follow the instructions in the Kubefirst API README to set up and run the API locally.
Set K1_LOCAL_DEBUG=true for Kubefirst
Checked out feat-custom-repo branch for Kubefirst
Updated go.mod to point to local Kubefirst API repository
Built Kubefirst binary successfully

It "works" but questions I have:

  1. Did all the branches get updated correctly?
  2. What are the paths to the updated files (eg. .env so I can check it was actually created) ?
alechp commented 2 weeks ago

Something like what we're doing for Sync Repositories already works:

Press Enter to continue...
Syncing console...
Repository console sync complete
Syncing kubefirst...
Repository kubefirst sync complete
Syncing kubefirst-api...
Repository kubefirst-api sync complete

    Repository Setup Summary:

Repository     Path                                                     Current Branch    Status
console        /Users/alechp/.ssot/k1space/.repositories/console        feat-custom-repo  Up to date
kubefirst      /Users/alechp/.ssot/k1space/.repositories/kubefirst      feat-custom-repo  Up to date
kubefirst-api  /Users/alechp/.ssot/k1space/.repositories/kubefirst-api  feat-custom-repo  Up to date