sspanak / tt9

A T9 keyboard for Android devices with a hardware keypad.
Apache License 2.0
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Scrolling direction in ABC mode is incorrect for RTL languages #513

Closed rgliR closed 1 month ago

rgliR commented 1 month ago

I notice that there is a problem with the keyboard if it is in normal mode and not T9 prediction, It goes in reverse order and the number is also in the middle. It should be in this order - A , B , C, 2, and ABC2 again. And actually it's in this order - A, 2, C, B, A, 2. For example, if you are on digit number 2, then what should happen is that when you tap it once, the letter "A" comes up, and when you tap twice, the letter "B" comes up, and three times the letter "C", and when you press it 4 times, then the number comes up "4". But on this keyboard it works the other way around, that is, when you press it once, the letter "A" does come up, but when you press it twice, the number "2" comes up, and when you press it three times, "C" comes up and so' And in all languages Has anyone noticed this or know how to fix it?

sspanak commented 1 month ago

This definitely not intended.

Could you please answer the following questions:

  1. Does this happen in all applications?
  2. Does the problem go away if switch to another mode, say 123 or Predictive, then go back to ABC?
  3. What is the make and the model of your phone?
  4. Could you please post a video of the problem? If this is not possible, could you at least make a screenshot of the letter list? Does it appear corrupted?
rgliR commented 1 month ago


  1. yes
  2. no
rgliR commented 1 month ago

also There is another problem that is very disturbing, If it's in T9 mode, then if after you click on a word and then make a space, then what happens if you click on the ladder key , then it becomes a dollar sign like $, and if you click twice then it becomes a space and the space becomes a period Please, if you can explain to me whether it only happened to me or is it for everyone. You also see this problem in the video Thank you

sspanak commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the video, it helped me understand what's wrong. The problem is I have recently added proper support for right-to-left languages like Hebrew, but I forgot to reverse the scrolling direction in ABC mode. I'll fix it in the next release.

There is another problem that is very disturbing, If it's in T9 mode, then if after you click on a word and then make a space, then what happens if you click on the ladder key , then it becomes a dollar sign like $, and if you click twice then it becomes a space and the space becomes a period Please, if you can explain to me whether it only happened to me or is it for everyone.

This is working as expected, nothing to be disturbed about. That key changes the text case when typing words, but for special characters, since they don't have a different text case, it just switches to the next character group. So, by pressing the "#" key, you toggle between "technical" chars and "currency" chars. It is all explained in the manual. If you have any other questions, make sure to read it first. It probably contains many of the answers you are looking for.

P.S. Btw, your phone looks quite cool. I haven't heard of these. Does the keypad work well, like in old Nokias?

rgliR commented 1 month ago

Thank you I am marketing the aforementioned phone I would love to keep in touch with you Could you send me your email address please?

sspanak commented 1 month ago

I've reviewed the specifications and I must say I am not that impressed anymore. I have a Qin F21 Pro which has the same form factor, but more of everything in terms of hardware. I'll pass on the Easy 4G.

rgliR commented 1 month ago

Hi Thanks About that

_- There is another problem that is very disturbing, If it's in T9 mode, then if after you click on a word and then make a space, then what happens if you click on the ladder key, then it becomes a dollar sign like $, and if you click twice then it becomes a space and the space becomes a period Please, if you can explain to me whether it only happened to me or is it for everyone.

This is working as expected, nothing to be disturbed about. That key changes the text case when typing words, but for special characters, since they don't have a different text case, it just switches to the next character group. So, by pressing the "#" key, you toggle between "technical" chars and "currency" chars. It is all explained in the manual. If you have any other questions, make sure to read it first. It probably contains many of the answers you are looking for. -_

can you change it and fix it in one version because some people will be bothered by it so if you can change it in one version i will put on my phones I can pay you for it

Thank you

sspanak commented 1 month ago

Sure, I'll include the fix. Of course, donations are welcome at any time.

rgliR commented 3 weeks ago



There is another problem that is very disturbing, If it's in T9 mode, then if after you click on a word and then make a space, then what happens if you click on the ladder key, then it becomes a dollar sign like $, and if you click twice then it becomes a space and the space becomes a period Please, if you can explain to me whether it only happened to me or is it for everyone.

This is working as expected, nothing to be disturbed about. That key changes the text case when typing words, but for special characters, since they don't have a different text case, it just switches to the next character group. So, by pressing the "#" key, you toggle between "technical" chars and "currency" chars. It is all explained in the manual. If you have any other questions, make sure to read it first. It probably contains many of the answers you are looking for.


I would love to hear if it has been fixed yet

Thank you

sspanak commented 3 weeks ago

As per my comment, that you have quoted together with your question, these two are features, not bugs. Please, refer to the manual, it will answer most of your questions.

rgliR commented 3 weeks ago

Hey Thank you Right, But according to what you wrote above, you are going to change it for those who want it, because some people are bothered by it Thank you

rgliR commented 3 weeks ago

can you change it and fix it in one version because some people will be bothered by it so if you can change it in one version i will put on my phones Ipay you for it

sspanak commented 3 weeks ago

OK, I'll try to write it step-by-step.

  1. Install v32.0. The scrolling problem is fixed in it.
  2. To remove the "." when 0-key is pressed twice:
    • Go to Settings -> Keypad
    • Click the "Character for Double 0-key press" option
    • Select "Space"
  3. The list of special characters changes when pressing "#". This allows typing currency characters, it is not a problem. If you don't want to see them, just don't press that key. If anyone finds this bothering, they will have to get used to it, it is the way TT9 works.

If you are asking for a personalized APK without the separate currency list, I can do so. But: a) this will cost you 50 EUR; b) the APK will be based on v32.0, and there will be no updates, bug fixes, or any new stuff coming in v33.0 or newer;

I do not have enough free time or desire to support different versions, so this is the best I can do.

rgliR commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, This is true, Thank you,

I notice that I did not explain it correctly, because I was talking about something else similar to this,

I will now explain again, and if necessary I will also send a video,

When the keyboard is in normal mode (that is, not predictive), then if you press the "space key" (which is the number 0),

So it turns out that you press the space bar once [or if you want coins, press the space bar and immediately Hash], and what is good about this is that if you spend a few moments after pressing the "space key" at the beginning, and do not select anything - because you do not want the symbols - you only want the space, then it makes a space and the symbols disappear, and this is how it turns out if you want to switch to another language, tap Hash. And that is very good.

What the problem is, when the keyboard is in predictive mode, So basically it's the same, - if you want to add symbols and the like press the "space key" and then you can switch to currency symbols by immediately pressing Hash, Only here - that is, in prediction mode, if you want to make only a space after a word, then you press the "space key (that is, 0)" but whatever happens, it does not disappear like the above, only that it means to stand on the symbols, and wait until Let them choose a symbol or press OK or space again. Then the problem is that when you want to switch to another language - then you press Hash, but it doesn't work and doesn't switch to another language, because it's still stuck in symbols (-of enter, etc.) and by Hash it simply switches to currency symbols.

That is, what we are talking about here is fixing the "space key" when the keyboard is in "prediction" mode, which after a few moments will confirm the space operation and not wait there.

Thank you,

Also I would like to tell you that I really appreciate you for the good and wonderful work on this special keyboard, thank you very much.

rgliR commented 2 weeks ago

Addition - I noticed that I was only talking about switching between languages, which is a long press on "Hash" (which is not as necessary as switching between prediction and normal) But it really means switching from prediction to normal mode (non-prediction), which is used quite a lot, for which the "Hash" key is intended So it turns out that the "Hash" key does not work because it is designed to switch to currency symbols because it disappears when it is in prediction (and likewise, on the contrary it does work when you are in normal mode and switch to prediction so the hash will work because after a few seconds the gain approved and the symbols disappear).

sspanak commented 2 weeks ago

Long pressing # to change the language, while a special character list is displayed, is possible in both ABC and Predictive even now. It may fail on phones with low-quality keypads that sometimes register holding as multiple clicks, but there are no limitations on the TT9 side.

Keep in mind, that when suggestions are displayed, no matter if they are words, letters, or special characters, pressing # will only change the text case. And since the special characters do not have a text case, it just switches to the next character group. It always works like this, there is no difference between Predictive and ABC modes. It is explained in the manual and as I pointed out, reading it will answer many of your questions.

From what I understand, you are asking for auto-accept functionality in Predictive mode. Like, when no key is pressed for a second, accept the currently selected word. But no other keyboard or an old Nokia phone works like this, so I am not going to do it, sorry. If anyone finds it confusing, which I am sure they won't, but still if they do, they will have to adapt. It is the way Traditional T9 works.