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`Functions` list in stack overview is inaccurate #4

Closed BLucky-gh closed 11 months ago

BLucky-gh commented 11 months ago

image there's only 2 functions (plus a NextjsSite), and both of them are python functions. As you see in the screenshot, it shows a bunch of duplicates of one of the functions, and reports all of them as js.

I checked if it maybe reports one per function version, but there's only one version available of that one

jayair commented 11 months ago

Just checking, we replied to this on Discord right?

BLucky-gh commented 11 months ago

Nope, the one I reposted on discord is a different issue

jayair commented 11 months ago

Checking on this, did we resolve it? If not can you post again in the channel and then DM us your workspace name?

BLucky-gh commented 11 months ago

nope, I did not post this issue to discord because I was not asked to, and thus it was not resolved. I'm gonna assume from what you said that you need me to post this on discord so here's the link to the thread: