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Add multi-select functionality for alert stages #7

Open mclean25 opened 6 months ago

mclean25 commented 6 months ago

It would be super handy to have multi-select toggle on the stages for a given alert. We have ~25 (and growing) stages and it would be super painful to set up these alerts each for all of them. Selecting all doesn't work for our use case as there's ~1-2 that we want to treat differently.


jayair commented 6 months ago

Are these stages for the same app btw?

Right now the workaround would be to duplicate this rule for those stages. Another alternative I can see is having a "select all stages" rule and rule (or two) for those stages that are the exception.

mclean25 commented 6 months ago

Are these stages for the same app btw?

Right now the workaround would be to duplicate this rule for those stages. Another alternative I can see is having a "select all stages" rule and rule (or two) for those stages that are the exception.

They are for the same app, yes.

I see, so there's a hierarchal rule implicit here where alerts for a given stage will override alerts set to all stages? That would certainly make what we want done easy.

mclean25 commented 6 months ago

Something that might be easier to implement is account based rules for alerts. ie: alerts configured for all stages for a given AWS account.

jayair commented 6 months ago

It won't override from what I recall. I think for those stages you'll sadly get alerts from both the rules.

The AWS account is a nice idea. I'll share it internally.