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Remix Getting Started docs lead to unkown error #150

Closed tallowen closed 2 months ago

tallowen commented 3 months ago

Feel free to close this if it's not helpful, I'm following up on #132 but I'm happy to just use local remix dev mode too be unblocked.

Steps to reproduce:

Same errors as previously:

0 verbose cli /opt/homebrew/Cellar/node@20/20.11.1_1/bin/node /opt/homebrew/opt/node@20/bin/npm
1 info using npm@10.2.4
2 info using node@v20.11.1
3 timing npm:load:whichnode Completed in 2ms
4 timing config:load:defaults Completed in 1ms
5 timing config:load:file:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node@20/20.11.1_1/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc Completed in 2ms
6 timing config:load:builtin Completed in 2ms
7 timing config:load:cli Completed in 1ms
8 timing config:load:env Completed in 1ms
9 timing config:load:file:/Users/ocoutts/dev/american-whitewater/my-remix-app/.npmrc Completed in 0ms
10 timing config:load:project Completed in 1ms
11 timing config:load:file:/Users/ocoutts/.npmrc Completed in 1ms
12 timing config:load:user Completed in 1ms
13 timing config:load:file:/opt/homebrew/etc/npmrc Completed in 0ms
14 timing config:load:global Completed in 0ms
15 timing config:load:setEnvs Completed in 0ms
16 timing config:load Completed in 7ms
17 timing npm:load:configload Completed in 7ms
18 timing config:load:flatten Completed in 1ms
19 timing npm:load:mkdirpcache Completed in 0ms
20 timing npm:load:mkdirplogs Completed in 0ms
21 verbose title npm run dev
22 verbose argv "run" "dev" "--loglevel" "verbose"
23 timing npm:load:setTitle Completed in 2ms
24 timing npm:load:display Completed in 1ms
25 verbose logfile logs-max:10 dir:/Users/ocoutts/.npm/_logs/2024-04-01T16_58_41_663Z-
26 verbose logfile /Users/ocoutts/.npm/_logs/2024-04-01T16_58_41_663Z-debug-0.log
27 timing npm:load:logFile Completed in 5ms
28 timing npm:load:timers Completed in 0ms
29 timing npm:load:configScope Completed in 0ms
30 timing npm:load Completed in 26ms
31 silly logfile start cleaning logs, removing 1 files
32 silly logfile done cleaning log files
33 timing command:run Completed in 2269ms
34 verbose exit 1
35 timing npm Completed in 2337ms
36 verbose code 1
thdxr commented 3 months ago

can you run the remix command manually? eg sst dev --verbose remix vite:dev or whatever your remix command is and show me the logs?

tallowen commented 3 months ago

Here is the output from a fresh run:

➜  my-remix-app sst dev --verbose remix vite:dev
time=2024-04-01T12:24:43.785-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for pulumi" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/pulumi"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.117-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for bun" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/bun"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.117-07:00 level=INFO msg=args args="[remix vite:dev]" length=2
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.118-07:00 level=INFO msg="no existing server found, starting new one"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.119-07:00 level=INFO msg="waiting for server to start"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.131-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for pulumi" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/pulumi"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.212-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for bun" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/bun"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.212-07:00 level=INFO msg="initializing project" version=0.0.247
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.213-07:00 level=INFO msg="esbuild building"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.221-07:00 level=INFO msg="esbuild built" outfile=/Users/ocoutts/dev/my-remix-app/.sst/eval/eval-1711999484212.mjs
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.221-07:00 level=INFO msg="evaluating config"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.368-07:00 level=INFO msg="config evaluated"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.369-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking platform"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.370-07:00 level=INFO msg="credentials found"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.371-07:00 level=INFO msg="fetching bootstrap"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.840-07:00 level=INFO msg="found existing bootstrap" data="{\"version\":1,\"asset\":\"sst-asset-mxbtutnuaunk\",\"state\":\"sst-state-mxbtutnuaunk\"}"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.840-07:00 level=INFO msg="loaded config" app=my-remix-app stage=ocoutts
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.842-07:00 level=INFO msg=server addr=
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.842-07:00 level=INFO msg="credentials found"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.842-07:00 level=INFO msg="getting endpoint"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.844-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionInvokedEvent
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.844-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionResponseEvent
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.845-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionErrorEvent
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.845-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionLogEvent
time=2024-04-01T12:24:44.845-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*project.StackEvent
time=2024-04-01T12:24:45.161-07:00 level=INFO msg="found endpoint endpoint" url="wss://"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:45.162-07:00 level=INFO msg="signed request" url="wss://{redacted}%2F20240401%2Fus-east-2%2Fiotdevicegateway%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240401T192444Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature={redacted}"
time=2024-04-01T12:24:46.000-07:00 level=INFO msg=unsubscribing type=*aws.FunctionResponseEvent
time=2024-04-01T12:24:46.000-07:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="network Error : websocket: close 1005 (no status)"
×  Unexpected error occurred. Please check the logs or run with --verbose for more details.
time=2024-04-01T12:24:46.006-07:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="exit status 1"

Note - I did replace credential looking things with {redacted} to avoid doxing myself

theonlydaleking commented 3 months ago

fwiw I sst init'd before adding credentials and I got something similar:

time=2024-04-02T09:24:35.712+11:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="network Error : dial tcp: lookup no such host"

I deleted everything and started again after adding credentials and it worked fine.

tallowen commented 3 months ago

I can reproduce this on a fresh remix project even with my credentials installed. For what it's worth, I can deploy a project to aws but development mode is what's failing.

thdxr commented 3 months ago

are you an sst2 user? we did occasionally see some people's network configurations blocking ws connections to iot

tallowen commented 3 months ago

I have not ever tried sst2 - I just went straight into trying sst3

thdxr commented 3 months ago

so we have seen an issue where the iot endpoint that aws is returning does not seem to be active (i can see that just hangs)

can you try setting a different region and seeing if you get the same error?

tallowen commented 3 months ago

Sure, how do I do I set the region? I tried configuring it in the sst.config.ts:

/// <reference path="./.sst/platform/config.d.ts" />

export default $config({
  app(input) {
    return {
      name: "my-remix-app",
      removal: input?.stage === "production" ? "retain" : "remove",
      home: "aws",
      region: 'us-west-1'
  async run() {

But alas it looks like us-east-2 is still being used.

➜  my-remix-app sst dev remix vite:dev --verbose
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.059-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for pulumi" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/pulumi"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.362-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for bun" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/bun"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.363-07:00 level=INFO msg=args args="[remix vite:dev]" length=2
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.364-07:00 level=INFO msg="no existing server found, starting new one"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.365-07:00 level=INFO msg="waiting for server to start"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.378-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for pulumi" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/pulumi"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.470-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking for bun" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/bun"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.470-07:00 level=INFO msg="initializing project" version=0.0.247
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.471-07:00 level=INFO msg="esbuild building"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.480-07:00 level=INFO msg="esbuild built" outfile=/Users/ocoutts/dev/my-remix-app/.sst/eval/eval-1712091636470.mjs
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.480-07:00 level=INFO msg="evaluating config"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.619-07:00 level=INFO msg="config evaluated"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.620-07:00 level=INFO msg="checking platform"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.621-07:00 level=INFO msg="credentials found"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:36.622-07:00 level=INFO msg="fetching bootstrap"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.049-07:00 level=INFO msg="found existing bootstrap" data="{\"version\":1,\"asset\":\"sst-asset-mxbtutnuaunk\",\"state\":\"sst-state-mxbtutnuaunk\"}"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.050-07:00 level=INFO msg="loaded config" app=my-remix-app stage=ocoutts
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.051-07:00 level=INFO msg=server addr=
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.051-07:00 level=INFO msg="credentials found"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.052-07:00 level=INFO msg="getting endpoint"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.051-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionInvokedEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.052-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionResponseEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.052-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionErrorEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.052-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionLogEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.052-07:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*project.StackEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.318-07:00 level=INFO msg="found endpoint endpoint" url="wss://"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:37.318-07:00 level=INFO msg="signed request" url="wss://"
time=2024-04-02T14:00:38.102-07:00 level=INFO msg=unsubscribing type=*aws.FunctionLogEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:38.102-07:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="network Error : websocket: close 1005 (no status)"
×  Unexpected error occurred. Please check the logs or run with --verbose for more details.
time=2024-04-02T14:00:38.102-07:00 level=INFO msg=unsubscribing type=*aws.FunctionErrorEvent
time=2024-04-02T14:00:38.105-07:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="exit status 1"
thdxr commented 3 months ago
  home: "aws",
  providers: {
    aws: {
      region: "us-west-2"
tallowen commented 3 months ago

Looks like it's a slightly different error on us-west-2:

➜  my-remix-app sst dev remix vite:dev --verbose
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.506-05:00 level=INFO msg="checking for pulumi" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/pulumi"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.797-05:00 level=INFO msg="checking for bun" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/bun"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.798-05:00 level=INFO msg=args args="[remix vite:dev]" length=2
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.798-05:00 level=INFO msg="no existing server found, starting new one"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.799-05:00 level=INFO msg="waiting for server to start"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.812-05:00 level=INFO msg="checking for pulumi" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/pulumi"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.892-05:00 level=INFO msg="checking for bun" path="/Users/ocoutts/Library/Application Support/sst/bin/bun"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.892-05:00 level=INFO msg="initializing project" version=0.0.247
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.893-05:00 level=INFO msg="esbuild building"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.902-05:00 level=INFO msg="esbuild built" outfile=/Users/ocoutts/dev/my-remix-app/.sst/eval/eval-1712157546892.mjs
time=2024-04-03T10:19:06.902-05:00 level=INFO msg="evaluating config"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:07.081-05:00 level=INFO msg="config evaluated"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:07.082-05:00 level=INFO msg="checking platform"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:07.085-05:00 level=INFO msg="credentials found"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:07.085-05:00 level=INFO msg="fetching bootstrap"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:07.742-05:00 level=INFO msg="creating bootstrap bucket" name=sst-asset-szxmvrfnbfxe
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.134-05:00 level=INFO msg="loaded config" app=my-remix-app stage=ocoutts
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.135-05:00 level=INFO msg=server addr=
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.136-05:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionInvokedEvent
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.136-05:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionResponseEvent
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.136-05:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionErrorEvent
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.136-05:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*aws.FunctionLogEvent
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.136-05:00 level=INFO msg=subscribed type=*project.StackEvent
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.137-05:00 level=INFO msg="credentials found"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.137-05:00 level=INFO msg="getting endpoint"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.835-05:00 level=INFO msg="found endpoint endpoint" url="wss://"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.835-05:00 level=INFO msg="signed request" url="wss://"
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.917-05:00 level=INFO msg=unsubscribing type=*aws.FunctionResponseEvent
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.917-05:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="network Error : dial tcp: lookup no such host"
×  Unexpected error occurred. Please check the logs or run with --verbose for more details.
time=2024-04-03T10:19:11.919-05:00 level=ERROR msg="exited with error" err="exit status 1"
jayair commented 3 months ago

Hmm is that endpoint hanging too? @tallowen

tallowen commented 3 months ago

Yeah, it looks like all the endpoints are hanging - I've tried a couple different regions to no avail. I've also tried doing a few different regions from other networks:

For what it's worth, sst deploy continues to work. Perhaps there is no connection to websockets there?

tallowen commented 2 months ago

@jayair / @thdxr - is there anything else that would be helpful in debugging this?

thdxr commented 2 months ago

i'm not too sure what's going on here - it seems like iot is busted in your aws account. is there any way to try another aws account?

thdxr commented 2 months ago

going to close this for now as it's not related to remix - feel free to open an issue about the iot problem if it comes up again