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Add support for linking CognitoUserPoolClients #461

Closed benkraus closed 1 month ago

benkraus commented 1 month ago

When using Cognito, most of the APIs require UserPoolId and/or ClientId. User pools link up just fine with resources, however the CognitoUserPoolClient does not.

One such example is the ConfirmSignUpCommand from @aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider, which requires a ClientId. Linking just doesn't seem to work for the client - no resource is generated in the types.generated.ts file for the client; only the user pool.

Example sst config:

const userPool = new"UserPool", {
    usernames: ["email"],
const client = userPool.addClient("Client", {
  transform: {
    client: (client) => {
      client.explicitAuthFlows = [

const hono = new"Hono", {
    url: true,
    handler: "functions/api/index.handler",
    link: [userPool, client],
    environment: {

In the above case, the Resource types look like this:

/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
import "sst"
declare module "sst" {
  export interface Resource {
    Hono: {
      name: string
      type: ""
      url: string
    UserPool: {
      id: string
      type: ""

export {}

You might notice that in order to work around this, I had to pipe the client id into the environment of the lambda function to access through process.env rather than Resource.

jayair commented 1 month ago

Is this related?

benkraus commented 1 month ago

Hey! I dunno who did that, but that looks like that might solve this!