sst / ion

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Reference externally managed infrastructure #472

Closed jaxxstorm closed 3 weeks ago

jaxxstorm commented 1 month ago

I have a bunch of infrastructure I manage with Pulumi already, and I'd like to be able to leverage it. For example, I want to be able to reference a Pulumi VPC with a stack reference.

Ideally I'd be able to leverage Pulumi state as well, so I can use SST to create exports I can reference if required

jayair commented 1 month ago

This is for importing existing resources in your SST app?

jaxxstorm commented 1 month ago

yes, or referencing their outputs

aeons commented 1 month ago

We have a similar setup, where all our infrastructure is in pulumi, but we would like to add a single app using ion, and reference the existing pulumi stacks.

jayair commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah we need to figure out a good pattern for referencing existing resources without having to import them.

thdxr commented 3 weeks ago

managing external infra created by pulumi using a stack reference isn't likely going to be possible - our state system works quite differently and will continue to diverge

you should treat it like external infra created manually - use…) methods to grab references to what you're looking for

thdxr commented 3 weeks ago

going to close for now