sst / ion

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CLI and have no console.log output #495

Closed atjeff closed 2 weeks ago

atjeff commented 3 weeks ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone
  3. sst init
  4. sst dev
  5. Add a console log anywhere (first line of fetch to log req perhaps?)
  6. Visit or curl generated url
  7. No logs in cli or sst console (sst console /local route just pulses)

There are logs in the cloudflare UI, I just expected to see them from SST somewhere. Is this supported? I did my best to follow the tutorial at

jayair commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm that is weird. It used to work. We'll take a look.

atjeff commented 3 weeks ago

I should note that I store my state in R2, AWS isn't involved at all. Let me know what files / console data are sensitive and I can send through discord if needed!

brapifra commented 3 weeks ago

Same here. Not sure if it's related to the fact that changes don't get redeployed (using v0.0.393)

thdxr commented 3 weeks ago

this sounds like a bug

atjeff commented 3 weeks ago

Let me know if I sending you my local files is helpful

thdxr commented 2 weeks ago

should be fixed in v0.0.406