sstaub / Ethernet3

Ethernet library for Arduino and Ethernetshield2 / WIZ550io / WIZ850io / USR-ES1 with Wiznet W5500 chip
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Low Overhead NTP Client #23

Closed crabel99 closed 5 years ago

crabel99 commented 5 years ago

I adapted the low overhead NTP client from to be a library and function with the Ethernet3 library. Working on setting it up as multicast on to help keep network traffic down. I should do this as a pull request but have no idea how to do that. Do with it as you will. I was not able to keep the getUnixTime() as an inline funtion to reduce code overhead.


#ifndef ntpunixtime_h
#define ntpunixtime_h

class EthernetUDP;

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "EthernetUdp3.h"

class UnixTime {
        EthernetUDP *_ntp;
        const uint16_t _port=123;
        uint8_t _udpInited;
        UnixTime(EthernetUDP *ntp);
        UnixTime(EthernetUDP &ntp);
        IPAddress timeServer;
        void begin();
        uint32_t getUnixTime();
        void stop();



 * © Francesco Potortì 2013 - GPLv3 - Revision: 1.13
 * Send an NTP packet and wait for the response, return the Unix time
 * To lower the memory footprint, no buffers are allocated for sending
 * and receiving the NTP packets.  Four bytes of memory are allocated
 * for transmision, the rest is random garbage collected from the data
 * memory segment, and the received packet is read one byte at a time.
 * The Unix time is returned, that is, seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00.
 * Modified by Cal Abel 2018

#include "ntpUnixTime.h"

UnixTime::UnixTime(EthernetUDP *ntp){
    _ntp = ntp;

void UnixTime::begin(){
    _udpInited = _ntp->begin(_port); // open socket on specified port

void UnixTime::stop(){

uint32_t UnixTime::getUnixTime() {
    // Only the first four bytes of an outgoing NTP packet need to be set
    // appropriately, the rest can be unspecified.
    // EC Peer Clock Precision: 0.000001 sec
    // 06 Peer Polling Interval: 6 (64 sec)
    // 03 Peer Clock Stratum: secondary reference (4)
    //      LI    VN  Mode
    // E3 0b11 0b100 0b011
    const uint32_t ntpFirstFourBytes = 0xEC0604E3; // NTP request header

    // Fail if EthernetUDP.begin() could not init a socket
    if (!_udpInited)
        return 0;

    // Clear received data from possible stray received packets

    // Send an NTP request
    if (! (_ntp->beginPacket(timeServer, _port)
        && _ntp->write((uint8_t *)&ntpFirstFourBytes, 48) == 48
        && _ntp->endPacket()))
        return 0;                 // sending request failed

    // Wait for response; check every pollIntv ms up to maxPoll times
    const uint8_t pollIntv = 150; // poll every this many ms
    const uint8_t maxPoll = 15;   // poll up to this many times
    uint8_t pktLen;               // received packet length
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<maxPoll; i++) {
        if ((pktLen = _ntp->parsePacket()) == 48)
    if (pktLen != 48)
        return 0;                 // no correct packet received
    // Read and discard the first useless bytes
    // Set useless to 32 for speed; set to 40 for accuracy.
    const uint8_t useless = 40;
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < useless; ++i)

    // Read the integer part of sending time
    uint32_t time = _ntp->read(); // NTP time
    for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 4; i++)
        time = time << 8 | _ntp->read();

    // Round to the nearest second if we want accuracy
    // The fractional part is the next byte divided by 256: if it is
    // greater than 500ms we round to the next second; we also account
    // for an assumed network delay of 50ms, and (0.5-0.05)*256=115;
    // additionally, we account for how much we delayed reading the packet
    // since its arrival, which we assume on average to be pollIntv/2.
    time += (_ntp->read() > 115 - pollIntv/8);

    // Discard the rest of the packet

    return time - 2208988800ul;      // convert NTP time to Unix time
sstaub commented 5 years ago

I don't know what it have to do with the Ethernet3 library.